Dean of FU: Study of Hadith Is Increasingly Needed by the Muslim World Community

Dean of FU: Study of Hadith Is Increasingly Needed by the Muslim World Community

FU, UIN News Online - The study of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad is increasingly needed to sustain the Islamic life of Indonesian Muslim communities and the contemporary world. The Study Program of Hadith Faculty of Ushuludddin UIN Jakarta is demanded to be able to fill the niche of the study by conducting in-depth studies while printing qualified hadith scholars.

That was the message conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Masri Mansoer at the opening of the National Seminar on Hadith Science Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin Prospect and the Challenge of Hadith Studies in Indonesia in the Faculty Theater Room, Wednesday (10/24/2018). The seminar was attended by all students and lecturers of the Hadith Science Study Program as well as various Islamic science-based study programs within the Jakarta UIN.

The seminar itself presents a number of expert speakers. Among them are Professor of Hadith Sciences, North Sumatra State Islamic University Prof. Dr. Ramli Abdul Wahid, Professor of Hadith Sciences UIN Surabaya Prof. Dr. Idri, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Law PTIQ Jakarta Dr. Andi Rahman, and Chairman of the Hadith Science Study Program UIN Jakarta Rifqi Muhammad Fatkhi MA.

According to Masri, the hadith occupies an important position as one of the references to the life of the Muslim community. Various aspects of daily life of Muslim society that are increasingly dynamic require comprehensive hadith studies, especially regarding the quality of transmission according to the jarh wa ta'dil approach.

"The increasingly dynamic life of Muslim society, in line with the complexity of people's lives, requires the support of hadith as one of the important references that underlies their lives. Thus, the study of hadith will still continue very much needed by the Indonesian Muslim community and even the world," he said.

At UIN Jakarta itself, continued Masri, the study of this hadith became one of the leading scientific fields offered through the Faculty of Islamic Law. As evidence of its superiority, since the last two years this study has been made into a separate study program after previously one unit in the Hadith Interpretation Study Program. That way, the study program is expected to be a leader in the study of hadith in Indonesia. (usa)