Dean of FITK: PLPG will Produce Professional, Noble and Prosperous Teachers

Dean of FITK: PLPG will Produce Professional, Noble and Prosperous Teachers

Cisarua, UIN NEWS Online – Education and Training of Teachers Profession (PLPG) mandated by the Ministry of Religious Affairs through the Directorate General of Education PAI Directorate to Faculty of Science Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta is expected to produce professional, dignified and prosperous educators.

This was conveyed by the Dean of FITK Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya at the opening of the PLPG in the final stage of PAI Teacher at Grand Prioritas Hotel, Cisarua Bogor, Monday (4/12/2017). Present on the occasion to provide direction, Head of Sub-Directorate of PAI at Public Higher Directorate of Directorate of PAI Director General of Drug, Drs Nurul Huda MAg.

"I am sure and believe the participants who are present here are all ready to follow the series of education and training until the next 10 days," said Thib Raya in front of 187 participants of this final stage.

Thib Raya explains, it is not easy to reach this stage, it is full of heavy struggles. Because, like the explanation of participants of the previous stage, they have to get a lot of money not to buy airfare back and other costs outside the government responsibility, such as medicines, land transportation and of course gifts for families back in their hometown.

"All that will be worth the struggles, when 10 days is really maximized for education and training, graduating and getting professional allowance teacher in 2018 to replace the expense today," added the Professor of Arabic in FITK UIN Jakarta.

He asserted, after the PLPG, it is expected that teachers can carry out education and teaching better in their respective duties.

"This is called a professional teacher, then they’ll just become a dignified teacher," he said.

The dignified teacher, continued the husband of Prof. Dr. Musdah Mulia, is uplifted because of his ability to be better and the knowledge taught to the students will be charity jariyah whose reward is multilevel.

"If the student is taught to be a great student, continue to teach the students again, so next, how much reward is earned. This is the best teacher dignity, "he explained.

Finally, he added, the participants will be a prosperous teacher after getting professional certification.

"Be a professional teacher, dignified, prosperous, so as to be happy and happy with the family," he ended ending speech.

From the monitoring of UIN Online News team in the field, the series of activities that followed by PAI teachers are presentation of online debriefing, PAI materials in SD, SMP and SMA / SMK, Scientific Approach and Implementation Strategy in Learning, Authentic Assessment Material in Learning, Classroom Action Research (PTK) Development of Learning Tools of PAI (SD / SMP / SMA) and Its Composing Steps (SKL, KI, KD Mapel and RPP Analysis), Local Writing Examination (UTL) and last National Write Exam (UTN) IT at UIN Jakarta.

Meanwhile, based on information from the Directorate of PAI, after 2017, the PLPG program was replaced with a one-year Professional Teacher Education Program (PPG) with a 50% government fee scheme borne by the participants. (usa-rs)