Da’wa Management Master Program Holds International Seminar on ZISWAF Management

Da’wa Management Master Program Holds International Seminar on ZISWAF Management

FDIK, UIN News Online – Da’wa Management Master Program of the Faculty of Da’wa and Communication Science (FDIK) UIN Jakarta holds the online International Conference on Da’wah Management (ICONDAMA) titled “Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Waqf (ZISWAF) for the People Empowerment” on Wednesday (06/20/2022).

This activity was officially opened by the Dean of FDIK Suparto. In his speech, Suparto said that this international seminar was a historic moment for FDIK because the languages used in this seminar were Arabic and English.

“Hopefully this seminar can provide insight and knowledge about the management of existing zakat and waqf institutions,” said Suparto.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Organizing Committee, Hamidullah Mahmud in his speech said that this seminar is a sustainability seminar that can provide added value to students, especially student of da’wa management master program.

“In addition, as a promotional event for the presence of the Da'wah Management Master Program at FDIK UIN Jakarta,” said Hamidullah.

Moderated by lecturer in Journalism Study Program Muhammad Firdaus, this event presents four resource person, namely Fathalla Mohammed Fathalla Zekyzak (Al-Azhar University, Cairo), Muhammad Nadratuzzaman Hosen (BAZNAS RI), Cemal Sahin (Hayrat Foundation), and Ahmad Pranggono from CORDOFA (Corf Dai Dompet Dhufa).

Fathalla in his presentation said that Zakat is a religious obligation. As for the obligations for people who are unable, he continued, such as children and madmen, there are differences of opinion among the fuqaha.

The favored opinion is that zakat is obligatory on madmen and children, because the commandment of zakat obligation focuses on the amount of wealth, not on the personality or character of a person.

The law of Zakat has not been regulated in the early days of Islam, he continued. The legality of the law that regulates zakat in terms of collection, expenditure, and management has not yet been established.

“Currently, the regulations governing the system of collecting, issuing, and managing zakat are in accordance with the texts of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which refer to the many institutions and organizations managing zakat and waqf which aim to improve the welfare of the ummah, nation and state by taking into account the needs of various aspects, such as spiritual, economic, social and moral,” said Fathalla.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Nadratuzzaman Hosen from the BAZNAS RI, focused more on the significance of zakat in achieving community welfare.

In Islam, ZISWAF has proven to play an important role in the welfare of society. From a socio-economic perspective, several studies have shown that zakat and waqf play an important role in realizing public welfare and financing public facilities for low-income communities, including health and education.

He added, ZISWAF can also empower the community. Islam not only pays attention to the spiritual side, but is oriented towards halal and blessed income, positive work ethic, motivation to do good deeds, and being cleansed from spiritual diseases.

He also said that Islam is very concerned about social stability and social resilience of the community. In addition, Islam also pays attention to economic activity by prohibiting the usury interaction in the economy, as explained in the Qur'an (Qur'an 30:39 and QS 2:276), Encouraging growth through equity (economic fairness) instruments for reducing poverty and creating prosperity.

The third resource person, Cemal Sahin from Hayrat Foundation Indonesia, said that Islam does not recognize social caste based on one's property wealth.

According to Cemal, the existence of rich and poor people is a sunnatullah as explained in the Qur'an which means: And Allah has made some among you superior above others in livelihood; so those to whom the superiority is given, will not return their livelihood to their slaves, so they may all become equal in this respect; so do they deny the favours of Allah?

He explained, in the verse above, it explains that one of the basics of ukhuwah and equality in Islam is to share and alleviate the difficulties of others.

Sharing by means of giving, giving alms, zakat and waqf is a sign for those who are grateful for the favors that Allah has bestowed upon them, it is also a form of proof of one's taqorrub to serve Allah.

The last resource person Ahmad Pranggono from CORDOFA (Corf Dai Dompet Dhufa) conveyed about optimizing the use of zakat funds for programs that target community development and taking on the role of strengthening da'wah along with more senior da'wah institutions.

“Dompet Dhuafa chose to carry out transformative da'wah through community empowerment. With this approach model, Ahmad explained, it is expected to improve the quality of the people, through a more comprehensive way, billisaan, bilhaal, bilqolam, and bil hikmah,” said Ahmad.

According to Ahmad, this da'wa model can raise the level of knowledge, mental, economic, spiritual, and answer the needs of mad'u. Therefore, he stressed, this da'wa model must have a code of ethics, namely, positioning oneself as a servant of the people, problem solver and agent of social change, preaching with urf solih by being aware of local wisdom, and being a good collaborator by involving the support of many parties.

“There are still many shortcomings in solving people's complex problems. Collaboration with all parties is absolutely necessary,” he concluded. (fdik/sam/mf/usa)