CSRC UIN Jakarta Explained the Study of Hate Speech
Syahida Inn, UIN NEWS Online- Center for the Study of Religion and Culture (CSRC) UIN Jakarta described the results of its research of hate speech at the Syahida Inn, Tuesday (9/07). Exposure of the research presented by CSRC in the seminar Result of Research of Hate Speech and its Management in Cooperation with POLRI(National Police Department) and The Asia Foundation
The Seminar and Exposure to the research also presented the responders Professor of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. AzyumardiAzra, Head of Public Relations of Public Information Department Indonesia Police Headquarter Police Commissioner Drs. MartinusSitompul, M.Sc. National Police, and Police Program Specialist at The Asia Foundation AhsanJametHamidi.
In his In his presentation, the Executive Director of the CSRC UIN Jakarta Irfan Abubakar MA revealed, many hateful speech made public by utilizing social media. This speech further causing hatred, anger, and even violence in the community itself.
Irfan added, CSRC conducts research on the hate speech for four months (April-July 2016) in the six provinces. This is the sixth province Singkil (Aceh), Bangka (Bangka Belitung), Kuningan and Bekasi (West Java), Sampang and Pasuruan (East Java), Mataram and Sumbawa (Nusa Tenggara Barat) and Tolikara (Papua)
"The background of this research is the rampant violence and discrimination in the name of religion in Indonesia, besides discriminative policies against minorities that characterizes reality of religious intolerance in the country," he said.
In addition, the study also aims to understand the extent of hate speech leads to hate crime and other violent acts, as well as discriminatory policies against the target of hate groups in the areas of religious conflict hot spots in Indonesia. In addition, related to the Chief of Police Circular Letter No. 6 / X / 2015 on the Hate Speech Management, the research want to understand how the Police and local authorities deal with the actions of hate speech prior to the occurrence of hate crime, especially in the areas of religious conflict.
Meanwhile, Azra said, study on Hate Speech is very necessary because it is very easy to spread hatred and free expression and religious freedom without limits and responsibilities. "This subject needs to be studied and known to prevent changes into Hate Crime Hate Speech," he explained.
On the other hand, Martinus hope civitas academy and the public will continue to support law enforcement agencies in reducing the speech of hatred. "Police will not work optimally without the full support of the community, including this kind of research," he explained. (Ikhda K./ika p/rany)