Community Service: Thematic Medicinal Plants Based on the Koran and Hadith

Community Service: Thematic Medicinal Plants Based on the Koran and Hadith

FIKES, UIN News Online – One of the three pillars of higher education is a community service activity, so it is hoped that the community will benefit from these activities. On October 31th, 2020, community service activities have been carried out by all lecturers and students of the Pharmacy Study Program and the Pharmacist Professional Study Program, the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) UIN Jakarta.

The activities was carried out with residents of RW 14 Perumahan Grand Residence, Pondok Cabe Udik, South Tangerang and residents of RW 20, Benda Baru, Pamulang, South Tangerang. The theme of this activity is "Pengenalan dan Penyerahan Bibit Tanaman Obat Tematik Berbasis Alquran, Hadits, dan Tanaman Lokal Kepada Masyarakat".

During this activity, seeds of medicinal plants and local plants consisting of more than forty-five types of medicinal plants were handed over to the residents.

The head of Pharmacy department FIKES UIN Jakarta Nurmeilis in her remarks hoped that this activity could provide direct benefits to the community as well as to introduce various types of plants that can be used as herbal medicines.

“The community is expected to understand the functions of several types of plants that can be used as herbal medicines and can be cultivated, including those already mentioned in the Koran,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Pharmacist Professional Study Program, Hendri Aldrat, had the opportunity to explain some of the benefits of these medicinal plants. In addition, He also hopes that this activity can increase the public knowledge about medicinal plants. (usa/mf)