Colonized by Lust

Colonized by Lust

Dr. Mu'min Roup, M.A.

"The best way to find ourselves is to lose ourselves for the benefit and benefit of many people." (Hafis Azhari, author of the novel Mind of the Indonesian People)

IN everyday life, without realizing it, we often create illusion after illusion in the name of independence. The greed and arrogance that sometimes eat away at us are part of latent and dangerous colonialism. Have we had time to observe how the distractions and temptations that surround our daily lives are actually part of a form of colonialism too?

Just imagine, what would our attitude be if we received guests who drove Pajero, Alphard or Lexus, rather than guests who only rode beat-up Astrea motorbikes? We always feel cool and wow when we wear and use certain products, even if they are only counterfeit or credit items. We feel great when we are known to others as intellectuals or academics with degrees. It's as if we feel insulted and backward because we never update to keep up with the acceleration of developing digital information.

It's the same among cultural and literary circles. We will feel cornered when we meet writers and artists who are considered old and senior. We will feel lost and far from God if we don't have religious symbols and attributes.

How freedom as "nature" and a gift from God is so easily colonized in such a way, that we don't realize that all the ranks, titles and positions are just small gods, similar to the hijabs that we have created ourselves. Among the religious, why do they form boxes of truth while designing certain costumes for the sake of proud assumptions of piety?

How many Indonesians are frustrated with ending a matter, even though they haven't actually done anything. Perhaps they feel old and no longer have age, so they are reluctant to act for the benefit of their world as if they would die tomorrow. Trying to build a new plan, but feel like there's no more time and energy. They don't want to be considered "society's trash", but no longer have the courage to start from zero. It's as if it's too late, nothing can be fixed anymore.

In fact, we are reminded by the advice of the Prophet, that whatever we can't do, don't leave it all behind. As long as we are able to plant one tree that we can still plant, then we don't need to worry about thousands of trees that we cannot possibly reach.

It is indeed an appropriate adage, that in this millennial era there seem to be too many people who are old but have never reached maturity. They are considered old in age, but not yet finished in terms of age. Maybe someone no longer meets the person they were hostile to, but in reality the hostility in their heart is still clearly visible.

It may be that the person he hates is dead, but the soul of hatred within him is still alive. He knows that forgiveness is the way that Allah loves, but he pretends as if he doesn't want to forget. In fact, he himself really wants Allah to forgive all his sins and mistakes in the past.

Of course, there are those who have become very rich, successful, achieved their goals, and even once had power in their area, but even after stepping down, they still seem to feel thirsty to be praised and adored.

It needs to be emphasized here that freedom of the soul is not enough to say "have experienced it", but requires a resolution. In literary terms, Hafis Azhari often states that to be able to serve the people (lead), and even write well, requires people who are "done" with themselves. For this reason, he does not need disbursement of royalties, but continues to do his best for the benefit.

In other words, freedom will never be felt and enjoyed by people who are greedy and greedy, namely people who are busy peeking at other people's achievements and successes, as if it were property that they want to seize. In the human soul, there is a sense of contentment and satisfaction (wala saufa yu'thika rabbuka fatardla). He is always satisfied with God's gifts and grace, even if they are simple and simple. In a sincere and satisfied soul, independence has achieved its source and goal.

In that sincere soul, we are always reminded by the self-surrender of Prophet Ibrahim, that "Allah is sufficient as a helper for me" (Hasbunallah wani'mal deputy). That is the resignation of people who are not colonized, and do not desire to colonize others. In fact, it was the colonialists who were shackled by themselves, because they never reached the point of becoming satisfied human beings, which means they never became "complete human beings."

People whose souls are free only serve Allah, without any relationship interests. A nation is considered independent because that nation stands tall on its own feet, without depending on other nations. Likewise, it is the nature of human life to have an independent, open and open spirit, to be able to move forward without feeling bound and shackled by other parties.

So, basically the invaders who shackle human life are not external factors that hinder them, but internal factors that create boundaries that make them feel imprisoned. By nature, humans of course do not want such imprisoning boundaries, because in their hearts they realize that an "independent spirit" is the right of every individual and nation.

For this reason, to be an independent Indonesian human being, as indicated in the novel Mind of the Indonesian People, you should be quite sensitive and care about the existing reality. An authentic, plain and real reality of life. However, the fact that we face as an independent nation is that to this day we still always encounter people who are colonized by all their own assumptions and perceptions.

On social media, especially online and electronically, we often find thoughts that casually rape reality. In the name of love and freedom of expression, hundreds and thousands of works of literature (art) are polished in such a way, while indulging in lust and ambition for worldly wealth and power, which are only relative and superficial. On top of that building of wild perceptions and assumptions, how much is manifested in the practice of life, which ultimately makes the perpetrators trapped in webs of their own creation.

Therefore, let's continue to reflect and introspect. We always continue to move to invite all parties to walk the path of goodness, in order to create a new identity for Indonesian people that is more intelligent and mature. (ZM)

The author is a Citizenship Education Lecturer at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN), Jakarta. The article was published in the opinion column of, Wednesday 20 September 2023.