Collaboration with Tular Nalar-MAFINDO, UIN Jakarta FDIKOM's Journalism Program Strengthens Gen Z's Digital Literacy in the National School Program

Collaboration with Tular Nalar-MAFINDO, UIN Jakarta FDIKOM's Journalism Program Strengthens Gen Z's Digital Literacy in the National School Program

Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, UIN News Online Campus as one of the spearhead agents of change, has an important role in national issues. Therefore, the role of students and lecturers is required to have the ability to convey accurate information and counteract narratives that contain elements of Ethnicity, Religion, Race and Intergroup (SARA) when the general election (election) is taking place.

Such is the important narrative as an objective in the National School program with the theme “Hoax Sensing for Elections” held by the Journalism Study Program of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on Tuesday and Thursday, (09 and 10/10/2024) in the sixth floor theater room of the FDIKOM Building. 

This activity was attended by 110 UIN Jakarta Journalism students who were held for two days. Students were enthusiastic in participating in the Tular Nalar National School activities. With seven facilitators consisting of three lecturers and four trained students, who have previously been certified as Tular Nalar trainers. The seven facilitators are; Dr. Bintan Humiera, M.Si., Fauziah Muslimah, M.I.Kom., Isna Rahmawati, M.Ling., Meisa Aqila, Ari Subagyo, Zharfan Zahir, and Nurul Khusna Fudolah. 

The Tular Nalar National School program aims to provide guidance to participants through a structured and fun learning experience. The event divided participants into seven groups, each consisting of seven first-time voters for the 2024 elections. The aim was to equip them with knowledge about elections, democracy, introduction to hoaxes, as well as understanding the impact of spreading misinformation.

Each group is guided by a facilitator who will deliver structured and interesting material on the four main segments. After the main material is delivered, participants will take an understanding test with a questionnaire before and after the session, to measure the extent to which they understand the material after getting information from the facilitators.

Vice Dean III for Student Affairs of FDIKOM, Dr. Muhtadi, M.Si expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the activity in his remarks when opening the event. Muhtadi also hoped that the implementation of this activity could educate students not to be exposed to hoaxes during the election. “Hopefully this activity can help students think critically and anticipate hoaxes that will hit us during the election next month,” he said.

In addition, the Head of the FDIKOM Journalism Study Program, Dr. Bintan Humeira, M.So., added that he hoped this activity could be useful for students and the general public. 

“The Journalism Study Program hopes that programs like this can have a positive impact on the participants and also the students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Moreover, there is currently the momentum of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections. We hope that students and the public can distinguish between true information and hoaxes,” added the Media Research Lecturer. 

One of the participants of the Tular Nalar National School, Rifqi Titah - a Journalism student, revealed that this kind of activity is very useful for students, especially students who have just participated in the election. “I am very happy to be able to participate in this activity, as a new voter in the next election I know what I have to prepare,” he said.

Tular Nalar is a digital literacy training program initiated by Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia (MAFINDO) and supported by, with Love Frankie as the implementing partner, has emerged as the main online learning platform that aims to improve people's ability to identify and respond to hoaxes through digital literacy and critical thinking. Developed in collaboration with MAARIF Institute of Culture and Humanity in its early stages, Tular Nalar has experienced rapid growth in the past three years, with a particular preference to engage first-time voters (Gen Z), pre-elderly, and elderly.

In addition, MAFINDO is a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting misinformation and hoaxes. Established in 2016, MAFINDO has more than 95,000 online members and 1,000 volunteers. MAFINDO has 20 offices spread across Indonesia and covers various fields, including but not limited to hoax prevention, hoax busting, public education, seminars, workshops, advocacy, anti-hoax technology development, research, and social engagement at the grassroots level. (FM)

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(Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi)

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