CIC UIN Jakarta Will Open the 2nd Batch Korean Language Course

CIC UIN Jakarta Will Open the 2nd Batch Korean Language Course

Rectorate, UIN NEWS online- Center for International Cooperation (PLKI) (PLKI) UIN Jakarta reopen the enrollment of 2017 Korean language courses for free. The enrollment is open now from 1-8 March 2017.

"As the previous year, we opened a Korean language course until the third wave. The instructor was imported directly from South Korea in cooperation with KOICA for two years. This year, we continue the cooperation by re-opening the Korean language classes for a year, "said the course coordinator Indah Kusuma Dewi  in PLKI office on Thursday (02/03).

Looking at the tremendous interest from students to learn the Korean language and culture, she continued, this year, KOICA sent back a volunteer to return here for a year.

"For students who are interested to join, especially the even semester students (from second to sixth), please register immediately by directly going to PLKI office at Rectorate Building, ground floor and submit a hard copy of transcripts, Student Identity Card copy, and enclose a motivation essay on why you want to join Korean language training," she said.

The candidates will be interviewed directly by Korean language course instructors. The training will be held at the Language Development Center (PPB) UIN Jakarta which is located on the second Campus in Kerta Mukti.

"The class schedules planned on Tuesday to Friday and are divided into three classes. Two classes for beginner and one for intermediate level. The course will be lasted approximately in a year, depending on the material being taught, "said Indah.

She also added that Korean language course is intended for students who have a strong commitment to complete the course until the program ends.

"We will provide an affidavit to be signed by the participants whose contents are willing to follow and complete the course. If it turns out to be absent twice, we would do DO, "she said.

This is done as a proof of the seriousness of PLKI UIN Jakarta to get the skilled output in the Korean language proficiency. It’s because UIN Jakarta has signed cooperation with several Korean companies and universities in Korea.

For your information, the Korean language course conducted in cooperation between UIN Jakarta with KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), the company serves as a medium to intertwine Korea's foreign cooperation.

Among the cooperation are student exchange, sandwich courses, further studies in Korea and labor recruitment of graduates UIN Jakarta. Through this program, it is expected that this program able to enhance language skills for UIN Jakarta students. (im)