Christian Priest Achieved Doctorate From SPs UIN Jakarta
SPs Auditorium, UIN News Online – Imam from Islamic Cultural Center, New York, United States, Shamsi Ali is considered capable to encouraging the growth of Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin in the midst of USA. Additionally, his model of da'wah is considered new, so it becomes an important contribution to the development of the religious da'wah theory today.
This was conveyed by Hannas, a Doctoral Program student of Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta in an open doctoral promotion session at Auditorium SPs UIN Jakarta, Friday, (7/28). Hannas succeeded in defending his dissertation, entitled Islam Rahmatan Li Al-Alamin: Studi tentang Pemikiran dan Kiprah Dakwah Muhammad Shamsi Ali di New York.
Present as examiners, Director of SPs Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah, Prof. Dr. H.M. Ridwan Lubis, Prof. Dr. Iik Arifin Mansurnoor MA, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Dr. Didin Saepudin, MA. In addition, there were also Prof. Dr. M. Atho Mudzhar MSPD and Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra.
Hannas research findings noted that the role of Shamsir Ali Islamic Preaching was quite successful by encouraging the embodiment of Islam rahmatan lil Alamin in the midst of American society. According to him, such things cannot be separated from the two methods of da'wah used by Shamsi Ali, which is inclusive preaching model dan open preaching model.
The first model deals with the way Shamsi Ali invites other religious leaders to jointly preach their peaceful religious teachings of their own. The second model cannot be separated from the openness of Shamsi Ali to discuss the material that has been delivered with his congregate.
Hannas explained the da’wah of Muhammad Shamsi Ali in New York was embodied through the preaching of bi al-lisan, preaching bi al-qalam and preaching bi al-hal by combining various models of da'wah which are also known in Christian missionaries, such as spiritual grow preaching model, educational preaching model, inclusive preaching model, and open preaching model.
“The inclusive and open preaching model, are not well known the Christian missionary literature and also contributed by Shamsi Ali in the development of the da'wah theory,†said Hannas.
He also added that on the conceptual level, Shamsi Ali’s Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin contributes to the form of expanding emphasize on humanitarian aspects. This contribution also makes Shamsi Ali's da'wah quite popular in the US.
“The emphasis on these aspects of humanity is translated into seven characters of Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin, that is the common good, the cooperation with all people, positive and optimistic behaviour, the attributive attitudes, the tawakal, the da'wah without compelling and appreciating the pluralism,†he added.
Through his research, Hannas succeeded in becoming the 1057th SPs UIN Jakarta Doctorate with 3.56 of GPA (very satisfying predicate). This achievement also leads Hannas as a Christian Priest who succeeded in completing his higher education in Islamic college after earlier, a Catholic priest, Greg Sutomo, won a similar title after defending his dissertation entitled Bahasa, Kekuasaan, dan Sejarah: Historiografi Islam Marshall G.S Hudgson dalam Perspektif Kajian Postsrukturalisme Michel Foucault.
For information, Hannas is a Christian pastor at the International Full Gospel Fellowship (IFGF) as well as a lecturer at the Harvest International Theological School. Prior to the SPs UIN Jakarta, Hannas had earned a doctorate in theology (Dr.Th) at Harvest International Theological School in 2012. (usa)