Chairman of UM-PTKIN commmittee inspects the SSE implementation at UIN Jakarta

Chairman of UM-PTKIN commmittee inspects the SSE implementation at UIN Jakarta

NICT, UIN News Online – Chairman of Inter-Islamic Universities Enrollment (UM-PTKIN) committee Mahmud Prof. Dr. Mahmud inspects the SSE implementation held at UIN Jakarta, Tuesday (05/25/2021).

Mahmud’s visit was warmly welcomed by Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Zilkifli, Vice Rector for Student Affairs Arief Subhan, AAKK Bureau Chief Jaenuddin, AUK Bureau Chief Kastolan, PK Bureau Chief Rojikin, Director of NICT UIN Jakarta Shopyan Jayaputra, and the Head of Pustipanda UIN Jakarta Qomarul Huda.

In his remarks, Mahmud said that this year is the second time that UM-PTKIN has been implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic. Last year, the UM-PTKIN test was deemed to have run well without any obstacles.

“Hopefully this year's SSE will continue to run smoothly according to the plan,” said Mahmud.

Mahmud said there was a decrease in participants at UM-PTKIN in 2021. Last year, the UM-PTKIN was attended by 130,000 participants.

According to Mahmud, the UM-PTKIN test using SSE will become a model for other enrollment types. This is because the implementation of SSE UM-PTKIN has been declared successful during the ongoing pandemic.

In the future, he said, the implementation of UM-PTKIN would be initiated not only by Islamic higher education institutions.

“Other religious higher education institution under the Indonesian Ministry of Religious AffairS will be included, so that the name will no longer be PTKIN but the State Religious College or PTKN,” said Mahmud.

For formation, the UM-PTKIN enrollment test was attended by 58 PTKIN plus the Islamic Religion Faculty, Singaperbangsa Karawang University. The programs offered are religious study programs. UIN Jakarta offers as many as 30 study programs with a total quota of 30 percent. (usa/ns)