Chairman of the Senate: UIN Jakarta has a Big Role in Developing Indonesian Women

Chairman of the Senate: UIN Jakarta has a Big Role in Developing Indonesian Women

Auditorium Harun Nasution, UIN NEWS Online– UIN Jakarta has a big role in developing Indonesian Women. That was conveyed by Chairman of UIN Jakarta SenateProf Dr H M Atho Mudzhar  in his welcoming remarks on the event of Open Senate Hearing the 103rd Graduation, Sunday (19/2/2017) at Auditorium Harun Nasution.

Atho said that in the Close Senate Meeting with the rector on 6th of February 2017, the rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada have conveyed all the development and improvement of UIN Jakarta during his two years of leadership as the Rector since 2015.

 “We thank you and congratulate you for all the progress made. As the news informed that the amount of Undergraduate Student in UIN Jakarta in 2016 is about 23.622 students coming from 26 different provinces of Indonesia, and about 100 international students,” he said in front of 578 graduates, their parents and several invited guests.

Rector said, the students consist of 9.936 male student (42%) and 13.686 Female student (58%). An interesting detail that the number of female students surpassed the amount of male student with the comparison of 58:42.

“We haven’t made sure yet on why the result is like that. It could be because the parents feel safer to enroll their daughters to religious higher education institution such as UIN Jakarta, or could be the female applicant is smarter than the male so there are more female than male passed the test, or it could be because of another factor,” Atho added.

He also asserted that almost 60% of studying process and all the resources is used to accommodate female student which in other places, often marginalized.

 “This has to be a selling point for UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, because this means we have a big role in empowering Indonesian women,” he said.

Like in politics, Atho continued, specifically in term of women representativeness at the National House of Representatives (DPR) and Regional House of Representatives (DPD), is still low on percentage. Similar fact applies in other fields.

“So, we hope for all the graduates, after directly involved in the community, can improve and made progress in eradicating the gap between the community according to each expertise, including on the issue of women representativeness,” hoped the Professor of Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Jakarta.

He also added, the issue of gender equality and women empowerment are commonly the crucial issues for developing country. That is why, the issue made into an article in MDGs (Millenium Development Goals).

“So, we have the mandate to contribute in this big change process. I hope UIN Jakarta could carry out this mandate well,” Atho Closes, continued by knocking the gsvel three times to officiate Open Senate Hearing, the 103rd Graduation. (rs)