Centre for Information and Public Relations

Centre for Information and Public Relations

The Centre for Information and Public Relations (PIH) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta is a strategic work unit responsible for managing information, communication, and public relations within the university. As the main link between UIN Jakarta and the wider community, PIH plays an important role in building a positive image and supporting the university's vision and mission.

Main Tasks:

  1. Information Management: Manage and deliver information related to UIN Jakarta's policies, programmes, and activities through various communication platforms, both internal and external.
  2. Public Relations: Establish and maintain good relations with mass media, government, partners, and the general public to strengthen communication networks.
  3. Publication and Documentation: Compile, publish, and document information in the form of news, press releases, videos, and other publications.


PIH UIN Jakarta is committed to providing accurate, transparent, and responsive information services, as well as being at the forefront of building UIN Jakarta's reputation as a superior Islamic higher education institution at the national and international levels.