Caregiver of Pesantren Darul Mursyid Tapanuli Visits UIN Jakarta
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Caregiver of Integrated Modern Islamic Boarding School Darul Mursyid, South Tapanuli, North Sumatra visits UIN Jakarta on Wednesday (11/09/2022). The visit was made to initiate academic cooperation as well as to enrich higher education information for their students.
The visit was led directly by the Director of Pesantren Yusri Lubis accompanied by Deputy Director Ahmad Suhaili Pulungan. Their visit was directly received by the Sub-coordinator of Documentation and Publication of UIN Jakarta Muhammad Furqon.
During the meeting, Kyai Yusri hoped that his pesantren could realize academic collaborations with universities such as UIN Jakarta. According to Yusri, this collaboration is needed to bridge potential students in pursuing a better academic education.
“Many of our graduates have the potential to continue their higher education to tertiary institutions such as UIN Jakarta,” said Yusri.
Kyai Yusri explained that the curriculum of the pesantren, which is located in the Saipar Dolok Hole sub-district, allows them to get a complete general education. The total number of santri in this pesantren, which was founded by Haji Mursyid-Hajjah Riana Siregar, is more than 1000 students.
Based on the level of education, Pesantren Darul Mursyid has two levels of education, namely Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Accedited by an “A” status) and Madrasah Aliyah (Accedited by an “A” status). In addition to the modern pesantren and madrasah curriculum, the students are also trained in foreign language skills, leadership, student interest and talent.
Representing the leadership of UIN Jakarta, Muhammad Furqon expressed his appreciation for the visit from Darul Mursyid's Caretaker. According to Furqon, he was quite optimistic that the students who graduated from the Darul Mursyid Islamic Boarding School could compete in various admission types for prospective students at UIN Jakarta.
“The curriculum and characteristics of the Darul Mursyid Islamic Boarding School are in line with the scientific profiles of the various faculties and study programs offered by UIN Jakarta,” said Furqon.
Furqon also explained the educational profile of UIN Jakarta which integrates Islamic knowledge and general science. This is seen from various Islamic science-based faculties as well as secular faculties after the transformation to UIN Jakarta from the previous IAIN Jakarta. (zm/usa)