Campus Visit 2024: 55 Students from Al Mukmin Boarding School East Bekasi Visit UIN Jakarta.

Campus Visit 2024: 55 Students from Al Mukmin Boarding School East Bekasi Visit UIN Jakarta.

Prof. Dr. Aqib Suminto Theater Room, UIN News Online - UIN Jakarta Information and Public Relations Center (PIH) accompanied the visit by Al Mukmin Boarding School East Bekasi High School on Tuesday (13/08/2024). This activity took place at the Prof. Dr. Aqib Suminto 2nd Floor Theater, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) UIN Jakarta which was attended by the Head of UIN Jakarta Information and Public Relations Center, Head of Al Mukmin High School, and accompanying teachers.

This activity began with remarks from the Head of Al Mukmin High School, Hilda Qurrota A'yun, S.Tp., who warmly welcomed this agenda. She revealed, that this activity can be additional information for students to know UIN Jakarta more deeply. 

"I hope the students who are present in this room can listen well to all information about UIN Jakarta, both entry pathways, scholarship programs, and others." concluded Hilda.

Then this activity was continued with remarks from representatives of the UIN Jakarta Information and Public Relations Center, Yuyun Yuliana, who said that this activity was scheduled by UIN Jakarta Public Relations as a form of socialization of UIN Jakarta's environmental exposure to Al Mukmin Boarding School high school students.

"This Campus Visit activity is scheduled by us, UIN Jakarta Public Relations as a form of socialization of UIN Jakarta environment to Al Mukmin High School students to introduce UIN Jakarta to schools not only in Jakarta," said Yuyun.

The core of this campus visit agenda is the presentation of material about the entrance pathway to UIN Jakarta, the introduction of scholarships, UKM, and other information presented by Taufan Maulana Firdaus, S.Pd.

Furthermore, the PIH UIN Jakarta team opened a question and answer session by the students of SMA Al Mukmin Boarding School, this question and answer session was greeted enthusiastically by the students to ask more about UIN Jakarta. 

One of the students of SMA Al Mukmin Boarding School, Queen, in the interview session said that she was very enthusiastic and interested in applying to UIN Jakarta for the next level. "I am enthusiastic about this event because it brings a lot of information about UIN Jakarta and I intend to enroll here later," said Queen.

After the question and answer session, the event was closed with games, souvenirs and group photos. This event is expected to answer all the students' questions about UIN Jakarta.

Photo Documentation:




(Aida Adha S./Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi F./Photo: Muhammad Fahri Afrizal, Hermanudin)