BSA UIN Jakarta Wins Arabic Debate Competition

BSA UIN Jakarta Wins Arabic Debate Competition

FITK Building, Fah News - The Arabic Debate Group of Arabic Language and Literature Department (BSA) of the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta managed to become the first winner in the 2018 Lil Funun (ALF) event in 2018. The event was organized by the Department of Arabic Language (PBA) UIN Jakarta. The debate competition lasted for two days, on Tuesday (10/02/2018) and Friday (10/05/2018). Located in the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) theatre room.

The event was attended by 12 national and international agencies, such as Ar-royah, Islamic Institute (IAI) Dalwa, UIN Bandung, Putra Malaysia University (UPM), and other universities. Each college delegates three people to attend the event. UIN Jakarta was represented by Ikhlashul Amalludin, Mahbubi and Nunu Nurhasan. The group managed to defeat the Ar-royah group, the winner of last year's ALF debate.

Ikhlas claimed to be happy with his team's victory, because this was the first time he won first place in the Arabic debate. "I am very happy, I didn't expect, especially for me personally, this is the first time I won first place," he said. He also said that this victory was to bring BSA's fragrant name and hope that in the future there will be regeneration in the Arabic debate contest.

Winning the competition is a proud achievement for the BSA department. This was a motivation to improve the quality of Arabic language for BSA students. And it is proof that the BSA Arabic debate team is able to compete in the national and international arena.

As expressed by Riko Adrian, one of the BSA students was also excited about the achievement of the BSA Arabic debate. "This achievement is 100% important for the department as a role model to improve the quality of the Arabic language of BSA students and also to convince the department to fully support the BSA debate team," said Riko. (usa)