BSA Department Prepare for AUN-QA Certification

BSA Department Prepare for AUN-QA Certification

Meeting Room, UIN NEWS Online— Arabic Language and Literature (BSA) Program Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Jakarta is seriously leading to excellence in Southeast Asia by holding AUN-QA Preparatory Workshop (611/6/2017), held at FAH Meeting Room.

This workshop was attended by all faculty leaders, head of S1, S2 and related lecturers. Also present resource persons to provide direction and guidance in order to prepare everything to get AUN-QA certification.

The intended speakers are Dr. drh Hadri Latif MSI. In his presentation, he said that the preparation of AUN-QA includes the commitment of institutional and unit leaders, the study program have BAN-PT accreditation with the acquisition of A value, and the support of the academicians and educators.

"Do not forget, the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) consistently understands the AUN-QA system and criteria, facilitation and facilitation includes its strategy, and has a study of the gap between the assessment results and the evaluations that have been done," explained Hadri.

The main characteristic of AUN-QA, continued the Head of Quality Assurance Office of IPB, emphasized generic assessment on aspects of institutional management process, not on the results or output as the basis of the assessment on BAN-PT accreditation.

"Therefore, what is reported in the article should be clearer on the processes and procedures to achieve the vision and mission that has been established," he concluded close the conversation.

For information, ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) is a organization of university networks in ASEAN that has the main objective to strengthen and expand cooperation in the field of higher education among ASEAN countries. In addition, AUN-QA is also an assessment agency, and not an accreditation. Accreditation itself is part of the QA. Assessment is done independently (self-assessment) by doing SAR (Self-Assessment Report). Thus, college graduates who have received AUN-QA certification will be accepted to apply for jobs in ASEAN countries. (usa-rs)