BPI UIN Jakarta Holds Counseling in Lampung
FIDK, UIN News Online – As many as 70 students of Islamic Guidance and Communication Development (BPI) department FIDK UIN Jakarta were sent to Negara Batin Village, Jabung, East Lampung in order to conduct the Profession Practicum of Macro Guidance and Islamic Counseling throughout December.
The macro profession release event was done directly by Dean of FIDK Dr. Arief Subhan MA, accompanied by BPI Department Head Rini Laili Prihatini M.Si in FIDK theater room, Wednesday (11/29/2017).
In his remarks Arief said that the process should be done optimally by considering the social profile and the solutions of what they need. "This activity is your step to identify the social groups that will be counseled as well as to test the extension theories that have been studied in college," he said.
On the same occasion, Rini revealed that macro practice is one of BPI student activity to directly recognize the profile and social problems that become the counseling object. "Through this activity, they can learn and practice directly in making community-based extension planning, mapping the field conditions and doing counseling, from pre-conditions to termination," she explained.
The election of Negara Batin Village as the location of the practicum is based on the community profile uniqueness and their social problems. In addition to lagging in the economic field and the magnitude of the potential friction between indigenous Lampung and migrants, this village is also noted to have social issues on teenagers. There are also a number of Muallaf who need counseling to improve their religious understanding. The students will work together with the functional and honorary religious counselor of the local Ministry of Religious Affairs Office.
“All Villagers and village and sub-district officials are building a new image of better Jabung. Therefore, religious counseling will be conducted with counselors and BPI students to improve the quality of life and religious understanding for the community,” she added. (usa)