Biology education study program holds studium generale

Biology education study program holds studium generale

FITK, UIN News Online – In order to increase environmental awareness and moral education, Biology Education Study Program FITK UIN Jakarta holds Studium General  with  Shinji Nobira from the Indonesia Education Promotion Foundation (IEPF) on Tuesday (24/09/2019) at the theater room of FITK, campus I UIN Jakarta.

The event which was inaugurated by the Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta Sururin was attended by Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Muhammad Zuhdi, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation Khalimi, Head Biology education study program Yanti Herlianti, and IEPF resource person Shinji Nobira as speakers.

Sururin in her remarks said that the environmental damage felt by residents of several regions in Indonesia such as Riau, Jambi and surrounding areas was caused by humans. “A sense of care and love for the environment can be implemented morally, so moral education is very important to be taught early on at all levels of education,” she said.

Meanwhile, Shinji through his study experience and the results of his research entitled "Environmental Education and Moral Education", explained the characteristics of environmental and moral education research to the participants.

“Environmental damage has occurred everywhere, especially in developing countries,” said Shinji.

According to Shinji, to foster a sense of love for the environment, it is necessary to teach the importance of environmental and moral education to children from an early age, especially in elementary and junior high schools.

For information, the studium generale event was concluded with the cooperation agreement signing ceremony between FITK UIN Jakarta IEPF in the field of environmental and moral research development. (usa/lrf)