Bappeda of Tangerang Regency Discusses Socio-Cultural Mapping in 2024 Regular KKN Briefing
Diorama Room, UIN News Online— The Community Service Center (PPM) of UIN Jakarta once again held a preparatory session for the Community Service Program (KKN) for the third time. With the theme "Social and Cultural Mapping Workshop," the event was conducted in two sessions: the first session for Tangerang Regency and the second session for South Tangerang City.
Ade Rina Farida, M.Si., Head of PPM UIN Jakarta, opened the event with an inspiring speech encouraging KKN students to make a positive impact on the communities around the campus.
"Based on directives from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the campus-based KKN program is the main focus of UIN Jakarta's KKN. Our focus is on learning and innovation, introducing modern programs that move away from conventional methods. Maintain your mission and demonstrate integration, collaboration, and synergy with the community. The team must be cohesive and focused in managing future KKN activities," she stated.
Sri Indriastuti W., SKM., M.KES., from the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Tangerang Regency, was the main speaker for this session. In her presentation, she thanked UIN Jakarta for conducting KKN in Tangerang Regency. She explained various challenges and conditions at the KKN locations, including data on poverty, education, age classification, employment, facilities, and drinking water sources.
"The participation of students in identifying and understanding the challenges at the KKN locations is crucial. Emphasis should be placed on collaboration in tackling extreme poverty, stunting, and unemployment," she explained.
After the presentation, the event continued with an interactive question-and-answer session. Students were given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the conditions and challenges at their KKN locations.
"The 75 - 80 percent waste reduction in in Tangerang Regency is the result of collective hard work," added Sri Indriastuti, highlighting the importance of cooperation between students and the local community.
The event concluded with Kaula Fahmi, M.Hum, the KKN Coordinator serving as the moderator, emphasizing the importance of implementing environmental themes by reducing the use of plastic products and applying the knowledge gained over six semesters at UIN Jakarta.
Additionally, PPM UIN Jakarta announced that there will be a final preparatory session discussing the creation of KKN proposals. This is expected to provide practical guidance for students in developing effective and impactful action plans.
(Ken Devina/Fauziah Muslimah/Noeni Indah Sulistiyani/Photo: Adib Taufiqur'Rachman)