Azyumardi Azra: Thera are no traces of the Khilafah in nusantara

Azyumardi Azra: Thera are no traces of the Khilafah in nusantara

Jakarta, UIN News Online – Professor of Islamic History, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Jakarta, Azyumardi Azra, said, there was no trace of the caliphate as narrated by the Taqiyyuddin An-Nabhani-style Islamic Caliphate support group, namely Hizbut Tahrir in the nusantara.

“There is a film entitled Jejak Khilafah di Indonesia. Do they really exist? I said no,” "said Azyumardi in a webinar entitled “Relasi Agama dan Negara : Fiqih Siyasah dan Siasat Politik,” said Azra , Friday (08/21/2020).

He said that the film produced by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) was an attempt to make a false history. According to Azra, we are not allowed to make up historical facts that are inconsistent with reality, for example there is a part of the Khilafah in Indonesia, part of the Demak kingdom, part of the Mataram kingdom, the Aceh kingdom is part of the utsmani caliphate or the abasiyah caliphate. “That's totally not true,” he said.

He also added that the Traces of the Khilafah in Nusantara by HTI was an attempt to manipulate history which was made as romantic as possible to trick people who did not understand history.

“Abasiyah is not a caliphate, it is a dynasty. Umayah is also a dynasty, Otoman is also a dynasty,” he added.

In addition, this Indonesian Muslim scholar said that this group of khilafah advocates will continue to propagate that the Khilafah as the solution to world problems. Even for Covid-19 matters, he said that the Khilafah-carrying groups would state that the best solution was when the government system in Indonesia was changed to the Khilafah.

“It is as if the one who can solve is the Khilafah. Everything can be resolved by means of the sharia caliphate, as if Covid-19 could be resolved if the Indonesian State was converted into a Khilafah. I say this is false and misleading narratives,” said Azra.

To prevent the propaganda narrative of changing the Indonesian government system into an Islamic state based on the Taqiyyuddin An-Nabhani Khilafah Islamiyah, promoted by Hizbut Tahrir, is to emphasize existing regulations. Moreover, Indonesia already has an Ormas (mass organization) Law that can fortify Indonesia from movements that undermine the Pancasila.

“If someone provokes to reject the Republic of Indonesia and the laws in Indonesia, then people like that must be taken firmly. The Ormas Law already exists,” he concluded. (usa/mf/inisiatifnews)