Azyumardi Azra Receive LIPI Award
UIN Jakarta, UIN NEWS Online - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) awarded Sarwono Prawirohardjo Memorial Lecture (SML) in 2017 to Professor of Islamic Culture History UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, MA, CBE on Wednesday (23/8). This award is given for his achievements in science, culture and humanity.
According to Acting Head of LIPI-Bambang Subiyakto, this activity is conducted on the consideration of LIPI as the largest scientific institution that it should organize scientific activities each year. "At the age of even 50 years we realize by giving grace and delivery of scientific oration to scientists, one of them Prof. Azyumardi Azra," he said.
Bambang added, the appreciation of Azra is given on the basis of his dedication in the field of science that he involved, the history of Islamic civilization of Indonesia. “His dedication and consistency in developing the history of science and Islamic civilization in Indonesia, which makes it feasible to gain appreciation from LIPI, "he explained.
According to information gathered by UIN Online, the SML award is a form of LIPI appreciation to individuals for their outstanding achievements in science, culture and humanity. Among the scientists has been given the same grace as Professor of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Tjia May On Tjia May On (2016) for his work as the only Indonesian scientist who developed the theory of relativity and research on lasers in the early 20th century and Prof. Dr. Harry Truman Simanjuntak, DEA for his research work in the field of archeology.
For Azra himself, this award has gained his list of awards. Prior to that he was in 2010, he earned the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire, a title of honor from the British Empire. In 2015, he was also awarded the Dedicated Scholar Award from Kompas Daily for his consistency and productivity in writing down ideas.
As is known, Azra who was born in Lubuk Alung, West Sumatra, March 4, 1955 is a productive and active scientist in the development of education and science in the homeland. He became Rector (1998-2006) and Director of Graduate School (2006-2015) State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Earlier in 1993, he founded the journal Studia Islamika, an Indonesian journal for Islamic studies in Southeast Asia, and in 1994, he pioneered the founding of the PPIM (Center for Islamic and Community Studies) of UIN Jakarta.
He was a Graduate from the Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN Jakarta (1982) who then completed the Master of Art (MA) in the Department of Languages and Cultures of the Middle East (1988) and Master of Philosophy at the Department of History (1990), at Columbia University. On the same Campus, he also earned a doctorate of history with the dissertation of The Seventh and Eighteenth Centuries of the Transmission of Islamic Reformism to Indonesia. Later the dissertation was published in Canberra, Honolulu, and also Leiden, the Netherlands also translated into Indonesian Middle East and Middle Archipelago Scholarship Networks of the XVII & XVIII Century.
As an academic, Azra was a visiting professor at the University of Philippines, Philippines and University Malaya, Malaysia, both in 1997. And between 1997-1999 he was a member of the Selection Committee of Southeast Asian Regional Exchange Program (SEASREP) organized by Toyota Foundation and Japan Center, Tokyo. He was also the first Southeast Asian to be appointed Professor Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Australia in 2004-2009, and member of the Board of Trustees of the Islamic University of Pakistan in 2004-2009.
Responding to the award obtained Azra, Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA conveys congratulations and hopes his commitment and consistency in the academic sphere can be an example for other UIN Jakarta academic community members. "Hopefully the commitment and consistency in the realm of scholarship will be an example for other UIN Jakarta academics," he said. (usa)