AUK and PK bureau holds virtual Halal Bihalal

AUK and PK bureau holds virtual Halal Bihalal

Ciputat, UIN News Online – Employees in two work units, namely the General Administration and Personnel Bureau (BAUK) and the Planning and Finance Bureau (BPK) of UIN Jakarta holds the virtual Halal Bihalal (HBH) Eid al-Fitr 1441 H event through the Google Meet channel, Wednesday (5/27/2020)

Present in the event, Vice Rector for General Administration Ahmad Rodoni, PK Bureau Chief and Acting AUK Bureau Chief Khairunnas, Head of SPI Muhammad Cebba, and all Division and other officials.

In addition to silaturahmi, the HBH also served as a discussion forum regarding the development of campus activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The discussion invited all the section heads to present several work programs that were their respective areas of responsibility. The discussion was guided by the Subdivision Head of Organization and Management (Ortala) Sholehuddin.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector for General Administration Ahmad Rodoni in his remarks expressed his gratitude for all the employees’ hard work during the Covid-19 pandemic. “Hopefully this pandemic will be over soon as possible so that the entire work activity can return to normal,” he said.

The same thing was also expressed by the Head of BPK and Acting Head of BAUK Khairunnas. He said during the Covid-19 pandemic all employees were asked to work and complete their obligations from home (WFH).  “I am also very grateful to the employees who have worked well and full of patience,” said Khairunnas. (usa/ns)