Attends at the PsyTalk Series Event: Habib Jafar Encourages Young People to Be Tolerant
Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN Online News - Young Indonesian Muslims should continue to learn to be tolerant of differences. A tolerant attitude towards diversity is an important provision in fostering a plural national life.
This is the common thread of Habib Husein bin Ja'far Al-Hadar S.Fil.I., M.Ag.'s sharing session as a guest speaker for PsyTalk Series: Religious Moderation for Young People in the Main Auditorium, Wednesday (5/06/2024). “We inevitably have to accept the differences that exist around us, because we were born from differences,” he said.
The alumnus of the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta was present at the event held by the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty Student Council (Dema-F) of Psychology UIN Jakarta. The activity, which was attended by hundreds of students, was held to raise awareness of the youth about the importance of religious moderation in the present.
In addition to Habib Husein bin Ja'far Al Hadar, the event was hosted by Professor of Religious Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, Prof. Dr. Rena Latifa M.Psi. Psychologist, presented two experts in their fields. Both are UIN Jakarta Social Psychology Expert Ikhwan Lutfi M.Psi and Professor of Sociology of Religion as well as Head of UIN Jakarta Religious Moderation Center Prof. Arif Zamhari M.Ag, Ph.D..
At this event, Habib Husein bin Ja'far Al Hadar expressed his views on religious moderation. According to him, moderation is not only about religion, but also all aspects of human life.
Such conditions certainly present diversity around humans. “We inevitably have to accept the differences that exist around us, because we were born from differences,” he said.
The PsyTalk Series activity with the topic of religious moderation this time invited a lot of appreciation. Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ali Munhanif, M.A, Ph.D., assessed the importance of activities that encourage initiatives on the importance of religious moderation in Indonesia's plural life. “Especially this is seen from the scientific perspective of Psychology,” he said.
Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Dr. Yunita Faela Nisa, M.Psi, Psychologist. in her speech, revealed the conservative tendency when discussing religious life in the country. “When we talk about various religions, there is a tendency to shift conservative, but Indonesia as a Muslim majority has a great opportunity to show that moderate religion is the best,” she said.
In addition to the speakers' presentation, the event also allowed participants to interact directly with the speakers. For the public who want to watch this event, they can access it on UIN Jakarta Youtube live streaming show
(Ken Devina/Fauziah M/Raihan Lail)