Asep Saepudin Jahar : Islamic Philanthropic Institutions Need to be Restructured

Asep Saepudin Jahar : Islamic Philanthropic Institutions Need to be Restructured

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Lecturer at the Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH) UIN Jakarta Asep Saepudin Jahar revealed that Islamic philanthropic institutions, such as the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) and the National Zakat Institute (Laznas) should be restructured. The improvement of this philanthropic institution needs to be carried out thoroughly in the context of the position and role of the state in facilitating the sustainability of Islamic philanthropy and community involvement in the management of zakat.

This was said in his speech entitled "Transformasi Filantropi Islam Indonesia di Era Industri 4.0" during his inauguration ceremony as a professor in Sociology of Islamic Law at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, Wednesday (12/16/2020).

“The presence of a large number of zakat institutions in various places has an impact on the zakat system. However, on the other hand, in terms of organization and management, it actually hinders the main purpose of zakat,” said Asep.

Asep said that the existing zakat institutions trying to collect funds from the public actually have an impact on competition between zakat institutions. This is where, he explained, the synergy between zakat institutions is absolutely necessary.

The low zakat collection, which only reaches Rp. 8.1 trillion compared to the potential Rp. 233 trillion, is closely related to public trust in zakat institutions. Therefore, according to Asep, there are several steps that need to be prepared in strengthening this institution. First, it is necessary to establish zakat authority institutions.

Asep explained that currently, the authority of the zakat institution management system is institutionally played by Baznas, LAZ, and the Directorate of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment. According to Law Number 23 Year 2011, Baznas has a multi role, first as a supervisor of zakat institutions and secondly as an administrator of zakat. Herein lies the ambiguity of Baznas, which causes weakness in itself.

The supervisory or control function of Baznas in practice creates complexity because it is not supported by an adequate system and infrastructure. Control or supervision also runs in a passive and administrative position. This means that Baznas does not have the authority to intervene strongly and or synergize programs for certain projects among zakat institutions.

“Therefore, it is necessary to establish zakat authority institutions outside of Baznas or existing zakat institutions,” he said.

If the zakat authority institution is established through the revision of Law Number 23 of 2011, this institution will play a role in controlling zakat institutions, such as Baznas, Laznas, and all zakat management institutions. The zakat authority institution plays a role in standardizing zakat institutions and creating collaborative projects in the development of zakat.

In fact, this institution will also synergize zakat institutions in the context of developing zakat in a productive, project-based, and effective coordination among zakat institutions. The role of Baznas as manager and supervisor of zakat will have an impact on the effectiveness of zakat and the development of zakat in Indonesia.

Second, according to Asep, strengthening the role of the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) by improving regulations. Strengthening the BWI is directed at its authority to develop waqf assets for productive purposes with nazirs in underdeveloped waqf institutions.

BWI has a strong authority to take over waqf for productive purposes, for example working with waqf nazir in investment ventures with businesses or financial institutions. In changing regulations, it is also necessary to make the flexibility of waqf assets so it can be developed under strict supervision from BWI.

Meanwhile, the third step, he continued, was the establishment of a holding institution for zakat institutions as an effort to strengthen fundraising, development projects and community empowerment. Therefore, the establishment of zakat institutions needs a moratorium to provide wider and more productive space for existing zakat institutions to develop.

The low literacy of zakat which results in the low collection of zakat is not solely due to the lack of zakat institutions but because of the weak improvisation and technological innovation of zakat institutions.

“The unrestricted growth of zakat institutions will create competition between zakat institutions. In fact, this can also encourage the efforts of other groups to utilize zakat funds for the purposes of radicalism,” said Asep who currently serves as the Director of Graduate School of UIN Jakarta. (usa/ns)