Arief Subhan: We must be proud of the achievements and outcomes that all our students have made
Rectorate, UIN News Online – The Vice Rector for Student Affairs of UIN Jakarta Arief Subhan greatly appreciated the achievements of the UIN Jakarta contingent at the IPPBMM VIII throughout Java and Madura at UIN Yogyakarta on 21-25 June 2021. In this event, UIN Jakarta managed to get a lot of medals even though it was in second place after UIN Yogyakarta.
“I am incredibly proud of the achievements and outcomes that all our students have made,” said Arief.
According to Arief, the accomplishments achieved by UIN Jakarta at IPPBMM VIII are the result of students' hard work in competing. The spirit and mental achievement must be maintained and strengthened in the future.
Arief added that the fields of sports, art, and creativity are part of modern culture. To encourage creativity, the campus will work hard by providing maximum facilities and environment so that students continue to make achievements in these fields.
“I think this achievement is a good tradition that must be maintained and passed on by the next generation of students,” he said.
Besides appreciating, Arief also expressed his gratitude for the students' hard work in practicing and competing.
“Congratulations to the UIN Jakarta contingent and its supporters,” added Arief.
As previously reported, at the IPPBMM VIII event in Yogyakarta, the UIN Jakarta contingent managed to gain 16 medals, consisting of 7 gold, 4 silver, and 5 bronze. While the most medals were obtained by UIN Yogyakarta with a total of 32 pieces, consisting of 14 gold, 14 silver, and 4 bronze. (usa/ns)