Arief Mufraini Appointed as Professor of Islamic Economics

Arief Mufraini Appointed as Professor of Islamic Economics

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta has a new professor following the appointment of Prof Arief Mufraini as Professor of Islamic Economics. This academic promotion is stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbud Ristek) Number 51119 of 2022.

“Starting from July 1, 2022, Arief Mufraini was promoted to Professor of Indonesian Islamic History with a credit points of 516,20,” said Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim in his decree, as quoted by UIN News Online on Wednesday, (08/17/2022).

Arief is listed as a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business of UIN Jakarta. In addition to actively teaching at the Islamic Economics Study Program FEB UIN Jakarta, he also teaches at the Islamic Economics Masters Program and Islamic Banking Doctoral Program as well as the Masters and Doctoral Programs in Islamic Studies at the Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta.

In the Sharia Economics Study Program, he teaches Sharia Microeconomics, Research Methodology, and Sharia Investment and Capital Market courses. While in the Master of Islamic Economics and Doctor of Islamic Banking he teaches Research Methodology and Theory of Islamic Investment and Finance.

At the master and doctoral level at SPs UIN Jakarta, he also taught a number of courses in Islamic economics, including Theories and Methods of Islamic Banking and Finance, Contemporary Issues on Islamic Finance, MA Research Methodology, and Ph.D Research and Methodology.

As an academic, Arief is also productive in writing a number of books and articles published in various journals. For example, he wrote a book entitled Dana Haji Indonesia: Harapan dalam Paralogisme Pengelolaan dan Teorisasi Keuangan Syariah (2021),  Pengenalan Ekonomi Islam (2017), Metodologi Penelitian Bidang Studi Ekonomi Islam (2003), and Akuntansi dan Manajemen Zakat (2006).

Apart from books, his articles have also been published in various accredited national journals and recognized international journals, either as independent authors or with his colleagues. Among them are Promoting Islamic Values to Encourage Labor Performance and Productivity: Evidence from Some Indonesian Industries (2018), The Stability of the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index to Economic Shocks (2020), and Market Structure, Spin-Off, and Efficiency: Evidence from Indonesian Islamic Banking Industry (2011).

It is known that Arief completed his undergraduate education at Al-Azhar University in Cairo after completing his education at MAN 1 Yogyakarta. Then he took his master's and doctoral education at the University of Indonesia. (zm/usa)