Amin Nurdin becomes professor of Sociology of Religion

Amin Nurdin becomes professor of Sociology of Religion

Rectorate, UIN News Online – A lecturer at the Ushuluddin Faculty of UIN Jakarta, Amin Nurdin, was appointed as a professor in the field of sociology of religion. This was stated in the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 26024 of 2021 concerning the Promotion of Lecturer Academic/Functional Positions.

“Starting from July 1, 2021, Amin Nurfin was promoted to Professor in the field of sociology of religion, with a credit score of 922,” said Nadiem, as quoted by UIN News online on Sunday (08/01/2021).

Amin is a lecturer at the Ushuluddin Faculty who teaches at the Masters Program in Religious Studies. He teaches a number of subjects such as Introduction to Religious Studies, Sociology of Religion, Religious Conflict and Peace Studies, Approaches to Social Sciences in Religion and other subjects.

Apart from teaching, Amin is involved in community service programs and journal writing. Amin is also quite active in writing books. Some of his published academic works include Mengerti Sosiologi, Sosiologi Al-Qur’an, Gerakan Fundatalisme Islam, and others.

Separately, the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis welcomed the appointment of Professor Amin Nurdin in the field of Sociology of Religion. She hopes that this achievement can improve the academic quality at UIN Jakarta.

“Hopefully this can increase the scientific contribution of UIN Jakarta,” she said. (usa/zm)