AMEC-FITK UIN Jakarta agree to collaborate

AMEC-FITK UIN Jakarta agree to collaborate

FITK, UIN News Online – In order to improve the quality of students' competencies as well as education services improvement, the AMEC School (Al-Ma'mun Education Center) signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Educational Sciences Faculty (FITK) of UIN Jakarta, Tuesday (01/07/2020) in the FITK Dean office, campus I of UIN Jakarta.

The signing ceremony was carried out by the Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta Sururin and the Chairperson of the Al-Ma'mun Integrated Islamic Education Foundation Ma'mun, witnessed by Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs Muhammad Zuhdi, Deputy Dean for General Administration Abdul Muin, and Deputy Dean for Cooperation Khalimi.

Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta Sururin in her remarks Sururin appreciated this collaboration. According to Sururin, the collaboration program can be in the form of, teaching, research, and educational service at AMEC School. “We will prepare the experts to develop the educational quality managed by AMEC,” she said.

On the same occasion, Abdul Muin add the necessary holding of the favoured area mapping, such as Mathematics. And to improve the internal quality of schools, he continued, it could be by actively participating in various math and science competitions in various major national events.

While Khalimi said that all students should be required to live in a dormitory.

After the meeting, Ma’Mun expressed his gratitude for being able to collaborate with the most competent institutions in the field of Islamic education in Indonesia.

“With this collaboration, the teachers at AMEC Schools will be fostered, supervised and evaluated by educational experts and academics from FITK UIN Jakarta,” he said.

Ma'mun hopes that the AMEC School services will be more complete. Previously, AMEC had collaborated with Cambridge International for English language development and the Faculty of Da'wah of PTIQ Jakarta in the field of Tahfizhul Qur’an.

Furthermore, Ma'mun added, the other program is the provision of special fee services for children of UIN Jakarta lecturers who will register as new or transfer students at the SMPIT, SMA and SMK AMEC. (usa/mf)