All Freshmen of UIN Jakarta Must Conduct Health Checkup

All Freshmen of UIN Jakarta Must Conduct Health Checkup

Rectorate, UIN News Online – All freshmen of UIN Jakarta must conduct three types of health examination. The first part, the type of examination Weight), Height (TB), blood pressure, and color blindness examination. Second, the drug examination, and the last is thorax examination.

This was conveyed by UIN Jakarta AAKK Bureau Chief Drs Zaenal Arifin during coordination meeting with UIN Jakarta Hospital, Friday (26/29/2018), located at Main Meeting Room (RSU) campus I of UIN Jakarta.

Zaenal also added, to all the committees both from the campus and UIN Jakarta hospital to prepare everything. Thus, the examination of new student health will be run as planned.

“Establish communication and coordination among the committee, optimized all publication. Do not let miss-communications hamper the examination process,” said Zaenal.

In the same place, Director of UIN Jakarta Hospital, Dr. Amir Fauzi MARS asserted, medical checkup for the new students will be implemented after the graduation announcement of SPMB Mandiri, and for students who have passed through the SPAN PTKIN and SNMPTN, also must complete the three types of health checks as mentioned above.

“Yesterday, it was just the result of a health test consisting of measurement of height, weight, and blood pressure. So, the results of the examination are not yet complete. Therefore, please include the results of the drug, color blind examination, and thorax examination,” said Amir.

UIN Jakarta Hospital, added Amir, provides a special price for new freshmen who want to conduct medical examination.

“We will give special price of Rp 120.000 for all mentioned examination. In addition to UIN Jakarta Hospital, they are also welcome to conduct examination at other hospitals,” he added.

For information, the health examination for all freshmen has been declared as a compulsory in completing the administrative requirements. (usa)