Alissa Wahid Talks about Religious Moderation in Front of PBAK Participants
Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – The second day of new student orientation period (PBAK) 2022 was filled with a number of speakers, including the daughter of the 4th President of Republic Indonesia Gus Dur and Founder of the Gusdurian Network Indonesia, Alissa Wahid.
Alisa in her speech on Wednesday, (08/24/2022) said that Indonesia is a pluralistic country and its’s people are very attached to religious life.
“Religious freedom is guaranteed in the constitution, regulated in Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution,” said Alissa.
Alisa added that the majority of Indonesia's population are Muslims, which is 87 percent. Even so, Indonesian people often have a minority mentality, such as feeling weak, threatened, and insecure.
Alisa said there are several challenges that arise in Indonesia related to religious life. Religious extreme and excessive religius perspectives that override human dignity are the first challenge and people who think that their religion is the only right one will be the second challange.
“The third challenge is The last challenge is the religious spirit that is not in harmony with the national spirit within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” she said.
Alisa further explained that the role of religious moderation is very important to overcome all these challenges. The foundation of religious moderation is based on the principles of fairness, balance, and obedience to the constitution. Moderate religious practices can be realized with having a tolerant attitude, respect for differences of traditions, and not imposing the will by means of violence.
“Religiosity must protect human dignity and must be oriented to the public good,” she concluded. (ns/hn/usa)