Al-Quran and Hadith is the main Inspiration of Islamic Medical-Pharmacy

Al-Quran and Hadith is the main Inspiration of Islamic Medical-Pharmacy

Ciputat, UIN News Online – Al-Quran and Hadith are not only important sources needed by the people in carrying out their religious obligations, but also in today's life, including inspiration in the medical-pharmaceutical world. This is evidenced by the presence of many Islamic intellectuals who formulated the practice of medicine in the style of the Prophet Muhammad or popularly known as Nabib Nabawi. This is evidenced by the presence of many Islamic intellectuals who formulated the practice of medicine and medicine in the style of the Prophet Muhammad or popularly known as Nabib Nabawi.

This is the conclusion of an Online Public Lecture with the theme ‘Riset Pengobatan Islam Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19’, Wednesday (05/06/2020) The public lecture presented researchers and lecturers at the Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, UIN Jakarta Ofa Suzanti Betha, and moderated by Vivi Anggia.

In a medical and pharmaceutical perspective, Ofa said, there are a number of verses of the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet SAW which directly reveal the medical practices and treatments needed by human. Under these conditions, the task of today's medical and pharmaceutical scholars is to uncover the various signns given by the two main references of the Muslim community.

“In the Holy Qur'an, there are many useful natural materials that can be used as a medicine that are worthy of further study,” she said.

Meanwhile, Dean of FIKES UIN Jakarta Zilhadia also added that the various signs that inspired medical and pharmacy had begun to be studied by Muslim scholars since a dozen centuries ago. Some Muslim scholars such as al-Razi, Ibn Sina, Abu al-Qasim developed the practice of Islamic medicine which was inspired by the Koran, Hadith, and knowledge that developed at that time.

“Until now, their work is used as a reference for modern medicine. Many of the medical practices of Muslim researchers and doctors of that era were reviewed and recognized by various modern researchers,” she added.

The public lecture, which took place at 09.00-11.00 was attended by hundreds of participants both lecturers and students. Apart from the Faculty of Health Sciences and various other faculties in the UIN Jakarta, he participants came from various educational institutions such as the Pharmacy Study Program of the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka Jakarta, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pancasila, Pharmacy Study Program at Esa Unggul University, Biology Education Study Program UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Mathematics Education Study Program, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Pharmacy Study Program STIKES Bani Saleh, and various other educational institutions in Jabodetabek-Banten.

In the discussion session, many participants questioned the possibility of Muslim pharmacists in applying the Thibun Nabawi method in this modern era, including its relevance to modern medicine. The speakers themselves are optimistic that Thibbun Nabawi-style treatment is very likely to be developed and become a modern medical-pharmaceutical alternative. Therefore, the hard work and integrity of Muslim medical and pharmaceutical scholars is needed to develop the findings that have been put in place by early Muslim scholars based on the inspiration of the Koran and hadith, so that they can be a solution to current and future public health. (usa/zm)