Ainun Na'im: PTN BH is Not for Commercialization
Diorama Room, UIN News Online- The change status from universities into Legal Entity State University (PTN BH) is not for profit-making and education commercialize. Such a change is precisely the expansion of the authority of universities in providing better higher education.
This was conveyed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti), Prof. Ainun Na'im Ph.D., MBA., As a guest speaker ‘Persiapan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Menjadi PTN Berbadan Hukum' seminar in Diorama Room, on Tuesday (07/02/2017).
Ainun revealed, in providing education services challenges the university to its substances. University needs to count to be involved in the development of science and knowledge, and also obliges to yield out graduates who are ready to enter the professional world.
To that end, the autonomy expansion of university in conducting the governance of academic and non-academic is such a need. And, it is accommodated in the mechanism of State Legal Entity.
"Consequently, the change of status into State Legal Entity University is not to the benefit of profitable education services. It is part of improving public services in the education sector, "She said.
Inside our country, Ainun said, some public universities such as Universitas Gadjah Mada, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Padjadjaran, and Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember have implemented their institutional into State University with Legal Entity. The changes affect not only the academic aspect but also allow these universities to have autonomy in their non-academic aspects. In the academic aspect, for example, State Legal Entity has the authority to open, manage, and even shut down the program of study while on non-academic side, the college own, open and run a business corporation.
"However, these enterprises are not merely profit-oriented. It is opened and run solely to support the academic aspect considering the university requirement to do research and provide education with quality services," he said.
On the student side, the changes of institutional status into State Legal Entity do not mean overlook of lower-middle-economic students of their education access. "For the sake of a change is followed by the opening up access for students of such background," he said again.
In line with Ainun UIN Jakarta Rector Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA reaffirmed the desire to change Uin Jakarta from Public Service Agency into UIN Jakarta Legal Entity. According to him, such a change is expected would grow wider authority so UIN Jakarta contributes widely to the public. The wider contributions are possible because the State Legal Entity status allows UIN Jakarta open its own study program. "With such authority, certainly gives us a great opportunity in science development and prepares our graduates with the necessary skills and knowledge," he said.
If the status into States Legal Entity changes successfully, he added, UIN Jakarta has paved the way for institutional development of the State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN) nationwide. It is because the changes of status into a State Legal Entity is dominated by public universities. (im)