AICIS 2018 Deliver Recommendations in Handling Radicalism
Palu, UIN NEWS Online - The 18th Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) produced a number of recommendations in handling radicalism. The recommendations are expected to be implemented by all elements of the National Islamic Religious University (PTKI) so that the handling of radicalism as well as the creation of a balance of national religious life can be achieved.
Prof. Dr. Noorhaidi Hasan at the closing ceremony, on Wednesday night (09/19/2018) explained the need for PTKI to review the use of the old perspective in Islamic studies. A review is needed in order to obtain a new perspective in the development of the study.
"A new perspective in Islamic studies needs to look back at its historical roots in building a moderate model of Islam as it develops in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries," he explained.
The AICIS Forum also concluded that the current intolerance attitude is manifested in various forms which are influenced by many factors, both ideological and other factors. For this reason, AICIS recommends a coexistent response and advanced strategy so as to be able to build tolerance and peace through various relevant programs and actions.
Furthermore, the AICIS recommends the need to transfer a comprehensive understanding of radicalism among young people.
“Radicalism among young people cannot be separated from rapid social change, modernization, and globalization. Therefore, the forum which was organized by the Ministry of Religion and involved many academics and researchers resulted in the conclusion that addressing radicalism cannot be carried out through a single pathway,” he said
Economic, cultural and social approaches must be taken immediately to erode the influence of radicalism and terrorism, in addition to ideological and deradicalization approaches. "If all this time the governments of Islamic countries tend to focus on ideological approaches, now is the time to take an economic, cultural and social approach," he concluded.
Meanwhile, the implementation of the 18th AICIS in 2018 itself was officially closed. Bsed on UIN News Online observation, no less than seven panels were held with invited speakers of experts from domestic and foreign universities.
Several expert sources included Dominik M. Muller from the German Max Plank Institute, Hans Christian Gunther from Albert Ludwiw Universitat, Freiburg, Germany, Prof. Hakimolahi from Tehran University Iran, General Chairman of PB Al-Khairaat KH Habib Ali al-Jufri, Director of CRCS UGM Yogyakarta Dr. Zainal Abidin Bagir.
The experts explained the results of their research and views on various Islamic conditions and Islamic studies. This is in accordance with the main theme of the AICIS this time in Islam in a Globalizing World: Text, Knowledge and Practice.
In addition to the expert panel, the AICIS activities were also filled with 63 panels discussing papers on research by academics from various domestic and foreign universities, including UIN Jakarta. They explained a number of researches which were divided into a number of sub themes provided by the committee. (usa)