Ahmad Tholabi and Abd. Wahid Hasyim Inaugurated as Professors

Ahmad Tholabi and Abd. Wahid Hasyim Inaugurated as Professors

Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis inaugurates Ahmad Tholabi and Abd. Wahid Hasyim as new professors. The inauguration ceremony was held at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta on Wednesday (09/14/2022). Ahmad Tholabi was inaugurated as professor of Islamic Law and Abd. Wahid Hasyim as professor of Indonesian Islamic History.

Rector in her remarks congratulated the two newly appointed professors. “I hope the newly appointed professors can carry out their duties as well as possible. A professor is expexted to provide solutions to problems that arise in society through their respective knlowledge,” said Rector Amany.

According to Rector, the seriousness of UIN Jakarta to become a leading university in the world can be shown by the significant increase in the number of professors. To this day, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has the highest number of Professors in all PTKIN, namely 82 Professors.

“In 2022, there are at least 14 prospective professors who are currently being processed by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture and the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs,” said Rector Amany.

She also added that the inauguration of these two new professors is expected to strengthen the study of Islamic political science and the study of Islamic law at UIN Jakarta.

The discourse on the involvement of the kiai with the world of practical politics, she continued, is always interesting to be discussed.

In certain interpretations, the involvement of kiai in politics is interpreted as a dynamic to encourage the creation of a critical participatory society in order to establish a more just and prosperous nation. But on the other hand, their involvement is considered less productive and sometimes becomes the base of social divisions and conflicts due to polarization and excessive politicization of religion.

“What is certain is that we all hope that the kiai really fight for the interests of the ummah and society,” said Amany.

Meanwhile, in another context, namely regarding the coexistence of national law, there is still a lot of work left unfinished. Until now, there are still conflicts between legal norms (concepts) which have a serious impact on the implementation of each rule in the form of inconsistencies in the application of the law. As a result, the presence of law does not create harmony in the community, but becomes a trigger for confusion in the community.

“Therefore, we hope that in the future, all of these problems can be resolved by the state through a solid and holistic legal arrangement in order to provide legal certainty to all citizens,” said Rector. (usa)