Agribusiness Department Holds Studium Generale
FST, UIN News Online - Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) UIN Jakarta held a general stage with theme of “Peran Penyuluh dalam pembangunan Pertanian Indonesia”. The event which took place in the theater room Lt.2 FST was held on last Thursday, (03/22/2018).
Present as a resource at the event, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Indonesian Agricultural Extension Institute (PERHIPTANI), Ir Mulyono Machmur MS.
Starting his conversation, Mulyono highlighted the extension of agriculture that is currently getting the attention of the officials of this country. Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Chairul Tanjung, for example, in Republika daily (09/03/2017), highlighted the need to increase the number of agricultural extension workers in the program to meet national food needs.
In addition, the Chairman of the National Agricultural Counseling Commission Prof. Dr. Soemarjo on Kompas daily (3/9) stated that the number of agricultural extension workers decreased by 2017 by half (PP PNS ± 28,000 people) while the number of villages in Indonesia is about 73,000 villages.
Mulyono added, the main problem of agricultural extension in Indonesia is not only the number of which will be less but also related to the quality of extension workers that need to be improved.
"The low quality of agricultural extension workers as a result of lack of training and poor quality of education of extension workers. This has an impact on the learning process for farmers, extension workers received less response from farmers and even extension workers often faced with farmers more controlled problems faced by farmers, with conditions like this is very difficult to expect the ability of extension workers can play a role in "Mental Revolution Farmers, explained Mulyono.
Furthermore, he said that the peasant mental revolution is not an easy thing because the mentality of the peasants has been fostered for decades with less educational situations. Farmers are spoiled with materialistic and under-guarded coaching through humanistic facilitation. Farmers are often given material assistance that is not educational.
"When farmers need superior seeds by the government the seeds are distributed for free, instead of being guided on how to produce quality seeds. Likewise, when farmers are faced with the problem of scarcity of fertilizer, should be guided how to make alternative fertilizer in the form of compost or bokhasi. The government is busy providing fertilizer subsidy funds amounting to Rp 17 trillion," he said.
As described earlier, Mulyono continued, the role of government in the future is more severe. It is necessary to make holistic policy changes so that there is a mental revolution of farmers. Agriculturalists have a strategic role in the implementation of the peasants' mental revolution. The role and role of agricultural extension officers as the vanguard not only increases the knowledge and skills of farmers, but also changes the attitude of farmers.
"Agricultural extension should be a place for non-formal education for farmers and their families through the process of education. The farmers are expected to help themselves, especially in the development of their business into better farming, better bussines, better living, better community and better environmental," said Mulyono. (usa-rs)