After Toilets in SC has been repaired, UIN Jakarta Rector Sent his Message to all Students
Student Center, UIN News Online - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta successfully completed the renovation of toilet rooms and ablution rooms in the Student Center Building and Al Jamiah Mosque, Thursday (12/12/2024). The renovation of these facilities was appreciated by the students as well as expected to be kept clean and tidy.
Amir, a fifth semester student of Faculty of Ushuluddin, who was met by UIN NEWS Online admitted that he is happy for the renovation of the bathroom and ablution place. “Alhamdulillah, I'm really happy, the ablution place is so good and the men's bathroom is repaired. So it is comfortable to move and worship at al-Jamiah Mosque,” he said.
In line with Amir, Sarah, a third semester student of the Faculty of Science and Technology (Saintek) who was met after using the facility revealed that the improvement of this facility can support the comfort of UIN Jakarta students. "Alhamdulillah, there is an improvement, it is quite impressive for us because the bathroom facilities are very influential, our friends will be more comfortable to pray and to go to the bathroom," said Farah enthusiastically.
Both Amir and Sarah agree that if the facilities that are already available are properly cared and maintained so that the conditions of cleanliness, tidiness, and longevity of use of the facilities can last longer. “Let's use the bathroom properly, don't litter, especially women, thry aren't supposed to be slob and dirty,” she said.
The leadership of UIN Jakarta hopes that the renovation of wudhu and toilet facilities will be the first step in UIN Jakarta's efforts to improve the quality of public facilities on campus. Therefore, the Chairman of UIN Jakarta also invites students to maintain cleanliness and take care of facilities that have been repaired so that they can be used in the future.
In his review in the area of toilet rooms and wudhu in SC and Al Jamiah Mosque, Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepuddin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., advised that the entire academic community have to maintain and care for the facilities that have been repaired. “This repair is a form of our commitment to provide comfort to students and staff. This is our common property, let us take good care of this facility,” said Prof. Asep.
He also added that this renovation effort is part of the university's strategic plan to create an environment that supports students' academic and spiritual activities. “Hopefully this facility can motivate students to be more active and comfortable in carrying out activities on campus,” he concluded.
(Aida Adha Siregar/Zaenal M./Muhamad Arifin Ilham/Photo: PIH)