Afganistan Deepens Legal Study UIN Jakarta
Rectorat, UIN News Online— Four renowned campus in Afghanistan made a visit to UIN Jakarta in order to strengthen the study of law. The visit, led by the Ambassador of Afghanistan Amanullah Salieem is received directly by the rector Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA in his office on Tuesday (26/04).
In the presentation, the rector, who was accompanied by Vice Rector of Cooperation between the Institute Prof Dr Murodi MA and head of the Center for International Cooperation Service (PLKI) Rachmat Baihaky MA, appreciate and warmly welcomed the visit of the LESPA delegation.
"Thank you for visiting UIN Jakarta, we hope the visit is able to strengthen silaturrahim and cooperation in the development of the academic study of law in Afghanistan," he said.
The Rector also added, UIN Jakarta provides scholarships for some students from four campuses to deepen the study of law at the Faculty of Sharia and Graduate School of UIN Jakarta.
The fourth campus in collaboration with LESPA (Legal Education Support Program -Afghanistan)include, Kabul University, Balkh University, Kandahar University and Nangarhar University aims to follow the activities of strengthening the study of law in Indonesia.
Amanullah Salieem as the Ambassador of Afghanistan and head of the group was deeply proud to be invited to visit UIN Jakarta and grateful for the scholarship facilities by UIN Jakarta.
"We like to thank UIN Jakarta for the reception, opportunities and cooperation provided, particularly to deepen the study of law in Indonesia through this campus," said Ambassador of the first country that recognizes the independence of Indonesia.
This activity is scheduled to take place for three days, from 25 to 27 April 2016 apart from visiting the UIN Jakarta, the group also paid visit to Nadhwatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah headquarters, as well as several other institutions. (LRF/RS/ Translated by: Ihsan/Rany Setyasari)