Adjustment of UKT Fees Consider Justice and Accessibility of Higher Education Access
- 14 May 2024
- 10 min read
- 4123
Rectorate Building - Adjustment of Single Tuition Fees (UKT) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for the academic year 2024/2025 is carried out with attention to the principles of justice and accessibility of higher education access for students and student families as mandated in Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education. The application of UKT fees for each student is also carried out in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Minister of Religion Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Standard Operational Costs of Higher Education Units at Religious Higher Education Institutions.
This was conveyed by the Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar M.A. Ph.D in his official statement in Jakarta, Monday (13/05/2024). "Adjusting UKT is done while still paying attention to the principles of justice and affordability of higher education as mandated by the Higher Education Law so that students and families from various economic backgrounds can access it," said the Rector.
It is known, Article 88 of the Higher Education Law states that the adjustment of higher education costs is carried out by the government (relevant Ministry) through the determination of the Standard Operational Costs of Higher Education Units (SSBOPT) carried out periodically by considering the achievement of national standards for higher education, types of study programs, and regional cost index. SSBOPT is the basis for state universities to determine the costs borne by students. Meanwhile, the costs borne by students themselves are adjusted to the economic ability of students, students' parents, and other parties funding them.
As a State Islamic Higher Education Institution (PTKIN) under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, UIN Jakarta also fully refers to the Minister of Religion Regulation (PMA) Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Standard Operational Costs of Higher Education at State Religious Higher Education Institutions in adjusting UKT fees. This PMA is the implementing regulation of Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education.
Article 8 of PMA Number 7 of 2018 states that UKT is determined based on the economic ability of students, students' parents, and other parties funding them. Meanwhile, the determination of the amount of UKT itself is carried out by considering the Standard Operational Costs of Higher Education (SSBOPT) as well as the Operational Costs of Higher Education (BOPT). Based on this PMA, SSBOPT is determined by the Minister of Religion based on BOPT, Quality Index of PTKN and Study Program, Financial Management Pattern Index, and Regional Cost Index.
BOPT as the cost of higher education in one (1) year is calculated from the total direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are operational costs related directly to the implementation of the curriculum of study programs, while indirect costs are operational costs required for the management of higher education institutions to support the implementation of study programs.
The direct costs themselves consist of financing for class activities, laboratory/studio/workshop/field activities, final project activities/thesis, guidance-counseling and student affairs. Meanwhile, indirect costs consist of general administrative costs, operation and maintenance/repair costs of facilities and infrastructure, institutional development, and other operational costs.
Meanwhile, the adjustment of UKT at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for the academic year 2024-2025 has been determined through the Minister of Religion Decree Number 386 of 2024 concerning Single Tuition Fees at State Islamic Higher Education Institutions for the Academic Year 2024-2025. As regulated by PMA 7 of 2018 where UIN Jakarta is a university, the determination of UKT is divided into 7 (seven) groups, excluding students receiving scholarships (targeted scholarships or KIP).
Vice Rector for General Administration, Prof. Dr. Imam Subchi M.A. said that the adjustment of UKT as stipulated in KMA Number 386 of 2024 is based on rational calculations following the financing needs of each study program while still adhering to the Higher Education Law and PMA Number 7 of 2018 regarding UKT at State Religious Higher Education Institutions. "And, the determination of each student in the 7 UKT groups is also done by considering the economic ability of each student, parents, or other parties funding them," he said.
At the time of determining the UKT groups, he continued, a strict verification process is carried out where each admitted student is allowed to submit supporting documents for determining their respective UKT groups. If there are objections to the verification results, then students, parents, and funding parties can undergo a clarification process regarding the UKT rate through the respective faculty dean's office.
Meanwhile, Head of the Planning and Finance Bureau of UIN Jakarta, H. Mohamad Ali Irfan, S.E., M.M., M.Ak revealed that UIN Jakarta itself has a fairly high cumulative financing need for academic programs every year. In 2023, for example, the total financing need reached Rp667.54 billion where revenue from education service income sources in the form of UKT only contributed 47.77% equivalent to Rp319.124 billion. Meanwhile, 52.33% of other financing needs are supported by other revenue sources namely government financing from the state budget (APBN) amounting to 38.74% or Rp258.81 billion and Non-UKT revenue 13.49% or Rp90.10 billion. Non-UKT revenue itself consists of Other BLU Income of Rp43.51 billion, Revenue from Cooperation Work Results with Institutions/Companies of Rp27.72 billion, Revenue from Banking Services BLU of Rp14.34 billion, and Other BLU Revenue from Land and Building Rentals of Rp4.52 billion. If relying solely on UKT, he said, the operational financing of UIN Jakarta minus Rp348.41 billion.
Karo Irfan added that UKT at UIN Jakarta itself has not undergone significant adjustments since the implementation of KMA Number 157 of 2017 concerning Single Tuition Fees at State Religious Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry of Religion for the Academic Year 2017-2018 until KMA number 82 of 2023 concerning Single Tuition Fees at State Islamic Higher Education Institutions for the Academic Year 2023-2024. This condition has an impact on the value of UKT acquisition for direct and indirect cost activities where the basic operational needs based on the price of basic operational needs of PTKIN have increased significantly. "While the value of UKT has never been adjusted as expected to support PTKIN operations," he explained.
At the same time, he said, monetary conditions also experienced many changes such as a significant decrease in the value of the rupiah against the US dollar (USD). Today, Monday (13/05/2024) the value of 1USD is equivalent to Rp16,050, while the average exchange rate in 2017 reached Rp13,579 per USD. This situation also impacts the capacity of financing infrastructure needs for student learning. "Therefore, adjustment of UKT is needed which is actually needed to improve the quality of student learning infrastructure," he said.
Furthermore, Professor Imam revealed, the average UIN Jakarta student actually receives UKT at levels 3 to 5. With this average, the proportion of UKT in UIN Jakarta is at a level that does not burden students. It is known that UKT groups 1 to 3 are subsidized groups, group 4 is self-financed, and groups 5 to 7 subsidize other students. "And, on average UIN Jakarta students get UKT rates at levels 3 to 5," he said.
UIN Jakarta itself, he continued, is committed to accommodating students with UKT groups 1 accounting for 5% of the total students. This is in accordance with the mandate of the Higher Education Law and the Minister of Religion's Decision regarding the Standard Operational Costs of PTKN.
Furthermore, Head of the Bureau of Academic Administration, Student Affairs, and Cooperation Drs. H. Priyono M.Pd said that the UKT system essentially realizes cross-subsidization of learning financing among students themselves. Students who are deemed eligible for higher UKT rates essentially provide financial assistance for students from lower economic groups, while students from lower-middle economic groups can still enjoy higher education thanks to higher UKT support from students in higher economic groups.
"This is different from before the UKT system was implemented. Students from all economic groups were charged the same rate. For economically capable student groups, it's not a problem. But for those who are less capable, it's definitely a problem," he added.
Regarding the learning infrastructure needed, Professor Imam said that UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is committed to continuously improving the quality of educational infrastructure that is comfortable for all students. The construction of lecture halls and laboratories as well as the repair of damaged facilities are a concern for the university. Moreover, most of the faculty building's age in the UIN Jakarta environment is more than 20 years so extra maintenance is needed.
"At the same time, we also urge all academic communities, both lecturers, educational staff, and students to be wiser in using the existing facilities. Please foster a spirit of preserving and maintaining existing assets," he added.
The commitment to improving the quality of higher education is not only from the provision of infrastructure. Several Vice Rectors of UIN Jakarta affirmed the university's commitment in their respective fields.
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie S.Ag. S.H. M.Ag. M.H. added that the improvement of academic quality offered to students is a commitment that cannot be bargained. The quality of the curriculum, the quality of study programs, and academic internationalization will be a priority.
"UIN Jakarta schedules international accreditation for every study program. Insha Allah, all undergraduate study programs will be accredited by international accreditation agencies this year," he explained.
Last April, four study programs at the Faculty of Science and Technology were visited for international accreditation by the international accreditation agency ASIIN (Accreditation in Engineering Computer Sciences Natural Sciences Mathematics) from Germany. These four programs are Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. All undergraduate study programs are awaiting international accreditation visits this year.
Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Prof. Ali Munhanif M.A. Ph.D also conveyed the commitment to improving the quality of student affairs at UIN Jakarta. Coaching interests and talents to support UIN Jakarta students are important commitments from the student affairs perspective.
Throughout 2023, for example, UIN Jakarta's support for less privileged students was quite significant. A total of 6,082 UIN Jakarta students were recorded as scholarship recipients with a total scholarship value of Rp55.15 billion. Details, Achievement Scholarships from UIN Jakarta BLU Budget amounting to Rp3.92 billion for 770 students, APBN scholarships in the form of KIP scholarships Rp27.24 billion for 2,439 students and Bidikmisi scholarships Rp3.39 billion for 506 people, and achievement scholarships from cooperation partners such as regional governments, banking, and others totaling Rp20.6 billion for 2,367 students.
"This year, Insha Allah, the scholarship quota as support for students will continue to be allocated ideally," he said.
Vice Rector for Cooperation, Din Wahid M.A. Ph.D. added that UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta continues to explore international cooperation in order to bridge students to be able to serve and expand wider academic-career development opportunities. One of them in 2023, no less than 50 students were successfully sent to various world's best universities through the student mobility program of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia or UIN Jakarta Rector's scholarships. (Released by the Information and Public Relations Center of LP2M UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta/Tanslated by Faadhila Idris)