Academy of Religious Sciences (ADIA) and Prof Mahmoed Joenoes
Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta is almost 61 years old, if we refer to its long history, the history of UIN Jakarta is also the history of the Academy of Religious Sciences (ADIA). The figure behind the establishment of ADIA is Prof. Dr. Mahmoed Joenoes.
The history of ADIA and Mahmoed Joenoes when the Indonesian Government at that time increased the status of the Fakultit Agama from the Universitit Islam Indonesia or Fakultas Agama Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). This faculty then transformed into State Islamic University (PTAIN). The transformation is set forth through the Government Regulation (PP) No. 34 of 1950 on Islamic Higher Education.
In the regulation, the government reveals the reason behind the transformation status, which is due to the high demand of experts in Islamic religious sciences. At that time, Indonesian students can only study in abroad Islamic colleges who have no academic and institutional relationship with madrassas in Indonesia.
"Therefore, it is necessary to hold Islamic Higher Education in accordance with the needs of society and the state of Indonesia," said the regulation signed by the Minister of Justice A.G. Pringgodigdo, Monday, August 14, 1950.
Furthermore, the regulation also mentioned that the PTAIN was about to be established in Yogyakarta. "It intends to give the teaching and become a center for developing and deepening the science of Islamic Religion," said the regulation.
After the regulation was issued, the government through the Department of Religious Affairs at that time worked hard in finding the appropriate figure to be its leader as well as the lecturer. According to Gouzali Saydam in his book, Lima Puluh Lima Tokoh Indonesia Asal Minangkabau Di Pentas Nasional (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009), the department of Religious Affairs finally appointed Joenoes as its leader and lecturer.
The reason behind the appointment of Joenoes as chairman of ADIA seems to be based on Joenoes's own capacity. After he finished his study in Al-Azhar, Egypt, Joenoes is known to be active in teaching activities, he even established madrasah in his hometown, Tanah Datar, Minangkabau. In 1932, Joenoes established the Islamic High School (STI) Padang.
However, Gouzali revealed, Joenoes rejected his appointment as the leader of the college. Instead of accepting, Joenoes proposed that the government should establish a similar PTAIN in Jakarta.
It is not known exactly what is the reason behind his rejection. But Joenoes seems to have predicted that the needs of Islamic higher education institutions cannot be done by just setting up one college, in one city as well.
Although it took a long time, the government seemed to agree with Joenoes's proposal. On June 1, 1957, the Ministry of Religious Affairs issued the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 1 year 1957 on the Establishment of the Academy of Religious Sciences (ADIA).
In addition to formally establishing the ADIA, the Department of Religion also appointed Joenoes as its leader (Dean). As his deputy, the Ministry of Religious Affairs appointed Prof. Dr. Bustami Abdul Ghani, an ulama from Bukittinggi, once studied at Al-Azhar University, and has a great interest in the development of Islamic education.
ADIA itself, said Yudi Latif in his book entitled Genealogi Intelegensia: Pengetahuan dan Kekuasaan Intelegensia Muslim Indonesia Abad XX (Jakarta: Kencana, 2013), was established as a training academy for government religious office employees and religious teachers in public schools.
As a service academy, students of ADIA were qualified only for those who obtained a mandatory study from their institutions. They were employees of Ministry of Religious Affairs from various regions throughout Indonesia.
At first, ADIA only had 43 students. They studied in three departments, namely the Department of Shariah (Religious Education), the Department of Lughat al Arabiyah (Department of Arabic), and the Special Department for Army’s religious leaders.
During its first year, ADIA conducted all its learning activities at the campus of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UIJ) on Jalan Madura before moving to Jalan Limau (now UHAMKA Campus) in the second year. In the third year, ADIA moved all teaching and learning activities to Ciputat, the location now occupied by UIN Jakarta.
Later, ADIA turned into State Islamic Institute, then transformed into Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta. (usa)