Academic Tour in Uzbekistan: Hadith Students from Faculty of Ushuluddin of UIN Jakarta and Institute of Quranic Sciences Participate on Global Hadith Research
Rectorate Building, UIN Online News - Several hadith students from the Faculty of Ushuluddin (FU) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and the Institute of Quranic Sciences (IIQ) has been undertaking an academic tour at Uzbekistan to commence an international research project "Legacy of Imam Bukhari" since February 17 until 22, 2025.
The tour aims to establish an international study partnership on the intellectual heritage of Imam Bukhari by exploring several locations, including Tashkent, Bukhari, and Samarkand.
"This research represents a strategic initiative to explore the intellectual legacy of Imam Bukhari and its significance to the contemporary Islamic world. Through international collaboration, we aspire to introduce new perspectives on his substantial contributions to hadith science and Islamic thought." Prof. Dr. Ismatu Ropi, Dean of the Faculty of Ushuluddin of UIN Jakarta and tour guide for FU and IIQ groups, stated the commencement of this global-scale joint research.
The primary research collaborators are recognized as hubs of Islamic knowledge in the Central Asian area: Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center (IBISRC) in Samarkand and the International Islamic Academy (IIA) of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.
Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukhari (810-870 AD) is acknowledged as a distinguished hadith expert renowned for his masterpiece, Sahih al-Bukhari. It has paramount status in hadith research since it acts as a main compilation for authentic hadith came from the narration of the Prophet Muhammad.
The existence of this man in Uzbekistan marked Islamic academic history, particularly in the field of hadith studies. Thus, making this project an advancement for worldwide Muslim academic networks and preservation of hadith studies in the modern era.
Additionally, this research is also part of the "1000 Cahaya Indonesia untuk Amirul Mukminin" program series. It is scheduled to engage 60 scholars from Islamic State Universities (UIN) and IIQ to examine the legacy of Imam Bukhari and its impact from several viewpoints: theology, philosophy, Islamic mysticism (sufism), exegesis (tafsir), politics, education, and culture.
Furthermore, the study findings will thereafter be presented at the International Conference "Legacy of Imam Bukhari for the Muslim World" in Samarkand on October 2025 and will be preserved as the collection at the Soekarno Garden Library, which is set to be established inside the Imam Bukhari Mausoleum complex.
Throughout the three-day tour, the research team had meetings with several parties from the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center (IBISRC), the International Islamic Academy (IIA) of Uzbekistan in Tashkent, and the Indonesian Embassy in Tashkent.
(PIH/Muhamad Arifin Ilham)