Academic Responsibilities of Professors
On behalf of myself and the academic community of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, I would like to congratulate and appreciate the inauguration of two new professors, Prof. Drs. Jajang Jahroni, M.A, Ph.D as Professor of History of Islamic Civilization at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities and Prof. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, S, Pd, M.Pd as Professor of English Education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN Jakarta.
I often say that the struggle to reach the highest career path in the academic world as a professor is not easy, extraordinary struggle and effort is absolutely necessary. Therefore, it is important to carry out this inauguration event in order to provide appreciation and legitimacy for the status of the highest achievement in the academic field as a professor.
This scientific oration is held not only as a form of academic responsibility for professors, but also as a means of disseminating ideas from new professors so that it can be widely known by many people in the framework of strengthening scientific knowledge at our beloved campus which is currently preparing to become a world-class university.
The seriousness of UIN Jakarta to become a leading university in the world, one of which can be shown by the significant increase in the number of professors. To this day, UIN Jakarta has the highest number of professors in all PTKIN, which is as many as 81 professors. The addition of seven professors in 2021/22 and the projection of dozens of prospective professors in 2022/2023 will at least create its own optimism in strengthening the UIN Jakarta institution that we are proud of.
Therefore, we will continue and maximize the professor accelaration program. I hope that all lecturers are serious about pursuing their careers by continuing and completing their doctoral education so that they reach the peak of their careers as a professors. It is believed that the addition number of professors will be able to improve the quality of UIN Jakarta in order to compete with other universities both nationally and internationally.
Today's scientific oration for the inauguration of two professors, namely Prof. Jajang Jahroni, M.A, Ph.D with the title "The Emergence of Salafi-Wahhabi Groups in the Era of Contemporary Indonesia" and Prof. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, S, Pd, M.Pd with the title "Global Challenges and Opportunities for Students and Graduates of English Language Education in the New Normal Towards Era 5.0" raises great optimism for the strengthening of the Islamic civilization study and educational studies at UIN Jakarta.
The presence of Prof. Jajang Jahroni as one of the professors in the field of History and Islamic Civilization and Prof. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi as the only Professor in the Field of English Education is expected to become a magnet and a reference for comprehensive Islamic studies and higher quality educational studies.
It is undeniable that the Salafi-Wahhabi discourse in Indonesia is still finding its momentum and further in-depth study will be necessary. It is interesting because this movement always exists in the community with its various da'wah media, namely through educational institutions, campus mosques and other halaqah forums.
Although we must admit that the terms Salafi-Wahhabi are clearly different entities, but the similarity of views and goals makes this movement often referred to as a single entity, namely Salafi-Wahhabi.
What is certain that this transnational ideological movement has a place in Indonesia, but its existence becomes a polemic, especially when it is associated with its opposing views on national values. Including the intersection with intolerance and radicalism movements that often use the Salafi-Wahabi ideology as a forum for their movement.
Meanwhile, in another context, the issue of adaptive education is also very important. The world of education, including UIN Jakarta, must continue to make significant development in order to welcome the 4.0 era which is currently heading towards the 5.0 era.
The Department of English Education, for example, as well as all existing departments, must be able to ensure that each graduate has adequate knowledge and skills so that they can be absorbed by the job market. The future of our students really depends on how we prepare the best graduates.
I also want to remind all of us, all professors of UIN Jakarta, that there is an obligation based on Permenristekdikti Number 20 Year 2017 which states that in 3 years, professors must have three scientific papers published in international journals or at least one scientific paper published in reputable international journals, patents, or monumental works/monumental designs.
There is a great academic responsibility on the shoulders of professors to innovate according to their field of expertise. Hopefully what we have achieved so far will be beneficial for UIN Jakarta in carrying out scientific and Islamic tasks. As for what we are planning, hopefully Allah SWT will provide an easy way for us to realize all these expectations.
May Allah SWT, the Most Knowledgeable, the Creator, and the Most Preserver of the interests of all mankind, always bestow His guidance to all of us in strengthening the role and contribution of UIN Jakarta to create a better social and spiritual life for the Indonesian people, now and in the future.*
This article is excerpted from the remarks at the Professor Inauguration event, Prof. Jajang Jahroni, M.A, Ph.D and Prof. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, S, Pd, M.Pd at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta on May 11, 2022. For the original version that uses Bahasa Indonesia, can be accessed through