Abdul Mut’i is now a university professor
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Faculty of Educational Sciences (FITK) UIN Jakarta has a new professor. Abdul Muti, a lecturer in the Islamic Religion Education department, became a professor in the field of Islamic Religion Education.
Abdul Mut’i was born in Kudus on September 2, 1968. He took his elementary and secondary education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Manafiul Ulum (Kudus, 1980), Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (Kudus, 1983), Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Purwodadi Filial in Kudus (Kudus, 1986). After high school, he continue his tudy at the Tarbiyah Faculty, IAIN Semarang (1991), School of Education, Flinders University of South Australia (Adelaide, 1997), Short Course on Governance and Shariah the University of Birmingham (Birmingham, UK, 2005), and the Graduate School of UIN Jakarta (2008).
Mu'ti's writings were presented in various scientific forums, as well as in the national mass media including Sindo, Kompas, Republika, and The Jakarta Post. Mu'ti's works include Kristen Muhammadiyah: Konvergensi Muslim dan Kristen Dalam Pendidikan (bersama Fajar Riza Ulhaq- al-Wasath Publishing House, 2009), Inkulturasi Islam (al-Wasath Publishing House, 2009).
In addition, Mu'ti also become an editor and contributor for Islamic book in Indonesia: A to Z Basic Reference (CDCC, 2010), Editor Bijak Bertindak: Mengambil Keputusan Berdasar Etika Agama, (al-Wasath Publishing House, 2016), Editor Taawun Untuk Negeri: Transformasi al-Maun Dalam Konteks Keindonesiaan, (Majelis Pustaka dan Informasi PP Muhammadiyah dan Muhammadiyah University Press: Februari, 2019), Beragama yang Mencerahkan, (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Majelis Pustaka dan Informasi PP. Muhammadiyah: Mei, 2019), Beragama dan Pendidikan yang Mencerahkan, (Uhamka Press: 2019), and Pluralisme Positif: Konsep dan Implementasi dalam Pendidikan Muhammadiyah (UMJ-MPI PPM, 2019).
At the international level, Mu'ti is a member of the British Council Advisory Board 2006-2008, the Indonesia-United Kingdom Advisory Board (2007-2009), the Executice Committee of the Asian Conference of Religion for Peace (2010-2015), and the Indonesia-United Council of Religion and Pluralism (2016-Present).
He has also been registered as a member of Muhammadiyah since 1994. He has served as Secretary of Central Java PWM for the period 2000-2002, Chairperson of PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah for the period 2002-2006, Secretary of the Muhammadiyah Education Council Council 2005-2010, Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah 2010-2015, Chair of the National Standard Agency Education (BSNP) for the period 2019-2023.
Previously, he served as Chairman of the National Accreditation Board for Schools / Madrasahs (BAN-S / M) for the 2011-2017 period and Member of BAN-S / M for the 2006-2011 period and General Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah for the 2015-2020 period. (usa/ms/vrssrfc)