80 Students of UIN Participated in Research Training
Student Affairs Building, UIN NEWS Online– UIN Jakarta provide research training to 80 students from various faculties. The activities scheduled for Friday-Saturday (29-30 / 04) was organized by Division of Student Affairs and Alumni in collaboration with the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) and the Centre for Research and Publishing (Puslitpen).
In his opening remarks, Friday (29/04), Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. M.Si Yusron Razak said the training is given as the strengthening of research tradition among students. "We realize, the strengthening of research also needs to be done not only among lecturers and researchers, but also the students," he said.
UIN Jakarta itself, continued Yusron, installing two short-term output in the implementation of the research. First, preparation of the students who are ready tobe participated in the student research championship. Second, prepare students who are ready to assist UIN Jakarta lecturers-researchers’s Research.
Student Assistance, continued Professor of Sociology of Religion, is necessary given the UIN Jakarta provides research opportunities in large enough quantities as UIN Jakarta's research budget is rising up to Rp 30 billion this year. "Well, the lecturers definitely in need of an assistant. We hope that the students participating in this research could be a research assistant, "he said.
Head of Student Affairs and Alumni added, this time presenting the research activities of a number of expert speakers within UIN Jakarta and appointed facilitators. Internal sources UIN Jakarta such LP2M Chairman Prof. Dr. Arskal GP MA Salim, Secretary LP2M Imam Subchi MA, and Head Puslitpen Wahdi Sayuti MA. "The training is given in two main clusters, quantitative and qualitative," he explained. (Zm)
Translated by: Rany Setyasari