8 UIN Jakarta Academics Become Panelists at the 2024 AICIS International Conference

8 UIN Jakarta Academics Become Panelists at the 2024 AICIS International Conference

Semarang, Berita UIN Online - The 23rd Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) was also enlivened by a parallel session agenda which was divided into two sessions. The first session starts at 13.00-15.00 WIB. Followed by the second session at 15.00-17.00 WIB. There are 25 rooms used in each parallel session. The sub-themes of the articles discussed in each parallel session room are of course different according to the AICIS 2024 theme, 'Redefining the Roles of Religion in Addressing Human Crisis: Encountering Peace, Justice, and Human Rights'.

The parallel session took place from Friday (02/02/2024) to Saturday (03/02/2024) at UIN Walisongo, Semarang. Previously, the committee had selected 328 of the best articles from a total of 1,957 articles that had been sent by prospective conference participants. Eight (8) articles were written by UIN Jakarta academics consisting of students, lecturers and professors. The selection of this article is an achievement in itself for UIN Jakarta.

Head of the Tarjamah Study Program (Kaprodi) UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Darsita Suparno, M.Hum., with her article entitled Cross-Cultural and Linguistic Boundaries: Acehnese Muslim Community Reflections on the Arrival of Rohingya Refugees. This article is included in the sub-theme 'Religious Diversity, Conflict, and Interfaith Relations' along with three other articles.

Dr. Ahmad Bahtiar, M.Hum., lecturer at the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program at UIN Jakarta, also wrote an article entitled Relations between Minangkabau Community Customs and Religion in Hamka's Work. This article is included in the sub-theme 'Gender Equality and Justice: Discourse and Context' along with three other articles.

Alumnus of UIN Jakarta (graduated in 2023) Dirasat Islamiyyah Study Program, Suci Amalia also wrote an article entitled Man'u Syahaadat al-Halaal Li al Muntajat bi al Asmaa'i as-Syaithaniyyah 'ala Mandzur Sadd az-Zara'i: Dirasah Tahliliyyah fi Mat'am Gacoan Noodles. This article is included in the sub-theme 'Intersections between Economic Perspectives and Religious Perspectives' along with three other articles.

There are two lecturers at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Jakarta, the first is Arip Purkon, M.A., with his article entitled Talfiq as A Method for Legal Solutions in Contemporary Islamic Law. Second by Hana Harun with her article entitled The Influence of the School of Fiqh on the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council. Both articles have been published in Ahkam: Journal of Sharia Science, UIN Jakarta.

UIN Jakarta academic, Ferdiansyah, wrote an article entitled Palestine-Israel Geopolitical Conflict: The Dilemma of Boycotts, International Sanctions and the Role of Religion for Peace. This article is included in the sub-theme 'Geopolitical Conflicts and Media Framing in International Issues' along with three other articles.

Lecturer at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program, Anis Fuadah Z, M.Pd.I wrote an article entitled The Impact of Saudi Arabia's 2030 Vision on the Riyadh Indonesian School's Cultural Diplomacy Mission. This article is included in the sub-theme 'Youth, Education, and Religious Concepts: Interdisciplinary Perspectives' along with three other articles.

Head of KPI Study Program, Dr. Yopi Kusmiati, S.Sos.I., M.Sc. also contributed an article entitled The Meaning of Worship for Religious People in The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Research. This article is included in the sub-theme 'Diversity in Education: Exploring Contemporary Issues' along with three other articles.

In an online interview, Monday (05/02/2024), Yopi Kusmiati said that academics must be ready to write. Yopi hopes that in the years to come AICIS can run with all its glory. "I hope the budget can be increased again to accommodate more participants," he added.

The Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas at the closing of AICIS, Saturday (03/02/2024) conveyed a message to academics at Islamic Religious Universities (PTKI) to provide humanist studies based on research in the Islamic world. This is an important message that religion is not just a personal belief, but must make a good contribution to humanity (Nala Zakina Z./Novia Syifaputri R.)

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