77 SPs Student Candidates Passed the Selection Test
SPs UIN Jakarta, UIN News Online – As many as 77 of 85 applicants passed the new students admission selection of Post-Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta. Those who were passed the selection consisted of 52 Master Degree (S2) applicants and 25 Doctoral Program (S2).
This was conveyed by press conference of SPs UIN Jakarta which accepted by UIN News Online, Monday (2/13). As reported, SPs UIN Jakarta has selected at least 85 new students candidates for academic year 2017/2018 on January 28 to February 2, 2017.
In addition to receiving the selection result, SPs UIN Jakarta also accepted a doctoral program participant who passes without the selection process. He is a graduate from SPs UIN Jakarta Master Program who achieved Cum laude. “We accept graduate from SPs UIN Jakarta Master program who achieved Cum Laude without any selection test,†said the Director of SPs UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Masykuri Abdillah, Monday, (2/13).
He also added that the new students who passed the selection are obliged to re-register on February 13-17, 2017. They are also obliged to follow the Orientation Period which will be held on February 20-22, 2017.
“All classes will be effectively conducts on March 6, 2017†he said. (usa)