76 Applicants Passed the UIN Jakarta Graduate School Selection Test
SPs Building, UIN NEWS Online - As many as 76 of 87 participants passed the UIN Jakarta Graduate School (SPs) selection in the odd semester academic year 2018/2019 program. The graduation is based on the Decree of Director of SPS UIN Jakarta Number 11 Year 2018 which was announced on Friday (08/10/2019).
In the SPs UIN Jakarta press release received by UIN NEWS Online, Friday (08/10/2019), participants who were declared to have graduated consisted of 34 master's programs (S2) from 42 participants and 42 doctoral programs (S3). . In the press release also mentioned, the participants who were declared to be compulsory must re-register according to the specified schedule.
Previously, leaders and staff held a meeting in the meeting room of the SPS UIN Jakarta building on Thursday (08/09/2018). The meeting was chaired by the Director of SPs UIN Jakarta, Masykuri Abdillah, and was attended by Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Fadhilah Suralaga, Vice Rector for Cooperation and Institutional Affairs Murodi, Deputy Director of Jakarta UIN Graduate School Ahmad Rodoni, and Head of Academic Administration, Student Affairs and Cooperation Zaenal Arifin. The agenda of the meeting besides to determine those who passed of new student candidates, also discussed various aspects related to the implementation of the lecture program at the UIN Jakarta Graduate School.
As previously reported, SPS UIN Jakarta selected at least 87 new prospective students for the master's program and doctoral program of the Islamic Studies Study Program. Selection is held on July 31 2018 and August 1, 2018 with material in the form of written and oral examinations. Of the 87 participants who took part in the selection, four of them came from abroad, namely China, Egypt and Libya.
The Head of the Sub-Division of Administration of Asriati said, the selection participants who were declared to have passed had to re-register. If they did not re-register, then the participant is considered to resign.
Re-registration is done on 10-16 August 2018. While the Orientation will take place on 27-29 Agenda 2018 and the study plan card (KRS) is online from 10-29 August 2018.
"The lecture period starts in early September by first filling out the study plan card (KRS) on August 10-29 2018," he said. (usa)