64 Student Volunteers Will Teach in Remote Areas

64 Student Volunteers Will Teach in Remote Areas

Cireundeu, UIN NEWS Online - A total of 64 active students of UIN Jakarta and some students from other universities in Jabodetabek region who are members of Sobat Mengajar will become volunteers as teachers in remote areas in Lebak regency, Banten. The volunteer teachers will teach for about 15 days from 14 to 28 July 2018.

Chief Teacher of Mus'ad Al-Habib told the UIN NEWS Online, Monday (05/14//2018), said the recruitment of volunteer teacher candidates was done long ago. After undergoing the selection process, they then get debriefing before being deployed to the destination location.

"The provision is important so that they (the volunteers, Red) acquire knowledge and skills and teaching methods well during field work. We hope they can teach according to expectations, "he said on the briefing of volunteers in Cireundeu, East Ciputat.

Mus'ad explains, Sobat Mengajar  is a community that accommodates teachers volunteers to teach in remote areas who experience teacher shortages. This year teaching activities will be focused on 10 villages in Sobang Sub-district, Lebak District, Banten. Some educational institutions that serve as a place of teaching include elementary and madrasah ibtidaiyah, both public and private.

"We only focus on these basic level educational institutions. Because according to the survey results are still many primary schools or MI who lack teachers. Even the condition of the schools also deserves our concern, "said the 6th semester student of Physics Education Department Faculty of Science Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Jakarta.

Currently, according to Mus'ad, the participants are still undergoing the process of debriefing. This activity will last for six meetings and end on 2 June. Teaching materials include fundraising, active learning methods, scouting and volunteering, story-telling and public speaking, tips for being a great teacher, dancing, and crafts.

Applicant to be the voluntary teachers in remote areas has been increased. According to Mus'ad, since the opening of the registration some time ago, enthusiasts who want to join in the Teachers reach more than 100 people. However, given the limited area and place of teaching, the determination of the number of participants then is based on the quota system.

"If we do not set limit to the participant, it will boom and we still have trouble regulating it. After all, this is our first time sending volunteer teachers to remote areas," he explained.

Mus'ad also hopes in the future the number of participants and the area of ​​devotion will be expanded. This is to provide opportunities for potential volunteer teachers to serve in the community. (usa)