6 UIN Jakarta Journals Accredited by Kemenristek Dikti
Rectorate, UIN NEWS Online– The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) through Directorate General of Research and Development Reinforces the notification of Accreditation Result of Electronic Scientific Period II Period 2017 through letter No. 3572 / E5.2 / SE / 2017 dated December 19, 2017.
Noted in the appendix of the decision, the six accredited journals of UIN Jakarta are Al-Iqtishad, Journal of Islamic Economics (ISSN 2407-8654) Faculty of Sharia and Law, Ethics (ISSN 2461-0771) Faculty of Economics and Business, and Journal of Chemical Valence (ISSN 2548-3013).
The other three journals from the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK), namely Arabiyat: Arabic Language Education and Arabic Language Education (ISSN 2442-9473), EDUSAINS (ISSN 2443-1281), Science Education Department, and FITK Journal " TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society "(ISSN 2356-1416).
Known from the ristekdikti.go.id website, in an effort to improve the quality and quantity of Indonesian scientists publications, the government has done various ways including improving infrastructure and research budget although the number is still relatively small compared to some countries in Asia. Legislation has also been put in place to ensure the atmosphere for Indonesian researchers to produce publications in reputable journals nationally and internationally.
With these policy tools, it is expected that Indonesian scientists can improve their competitiveness in their activities, broaden their horizons, and improve and improve their intellectual products, which in turn will improve the quality of their intellectual products to the international level.
One means to improve the productivity of scientific publication of Indonesian scientists is the existence of periodical publications that receive world recognition. Publishing scientific papers or scientific periodical publications can be grouped into two types: physical (print) and electronic-based. Electronic-based periodical publications require the reliability of information and communication technology devices.
The management and publication of periodical electronic-based scientific publications enables faster implementation whereby all management processes, which are sending, editing, reviewing, and publishing scientific papers are conducted electronically in an application system called electronic e-journal periodicals.
With such systems, the process of indexing and the scientific impact or citation of a writing can be known quickly, so the benefits of a scientific paper can be known immediately. Periodical scientists and publishers in Indonesia must understand the paradigm shift from the periodical publication of electronic print (e-journal).
Through e-journal a scientific work can be known and known to the public both nationally and internationally. The paradigm also needs to be followed by supporting regulations in addition to rewards and sanctions from policy makers related to periodicals of quality scientific through the process of accreditation of periodical publications of scientific and scientific writing.
Meanwhile, FITK Leaders are grateful for the accreditation of Scientific Journal three of them are published by FITK UIN Jakarta.
"Our gratitude is multiplying because it's not just one but three accredited journals. This is the fruit of hard work, smart work and sincere work of the managers of journals who dedicate themselves to realize the scientific periodical publication of Faculty and Prodi, "said Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. M Zuhdi MEd representing FITK leaders via short message on Wednesday (12/27/2017).
Zuhdi hopes that these journals become a representative forum for educators and researchers to share their knowledge and experience in efforts to educate the nation's children and promote national education.
"We hope too, this achievement is followed by three other journals published FITK, and continues to increase into internationally recognized journals," he concluded.
In addition to six accredited journals, a paper published by Dr. Siti Nurul Azkiya MSc, Chairman of UIN Jakarta Language Development Center who is also a lecturer of English Education Department FITK entitled "In Search of Teaching Quality of EFL Student Teachers through Teaching Practicum: Lessons from a Teacher Education Program,” indexed in Scopus. (usa)