4,700 Students Participate in the 2022 KKN Orientation
Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – A total of 4,700 UIN Jakarta students who registered as Community Service (KKN) participants for the 2021/2022 academic year attended the opening and orientation event at the Harun Nasution Auditorium Main Auditorium on Wednesday (05/25/2022). This orientation activity is given so that KKN participants can understand the goals and philosophy of KKN.
The KKN activity themed “Penguatan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat yang Inovatif Menuju Rekognisi Global” will last for one month in June 2022 and held in several programs, KKN Reguler, KKN in Campus, KKN Internasional, KKN Kebangsaan, dan KKN Kolaboratif.
The Head of Center for Community Service (PPM) UIN Jakarta Kamarusdiana said that KKN Reguler will be conducted in three areas, namely Tangerang Regency, Bogor Regency, and Lebak Regency. There are 200 villages targeted for KKN in these three areas. The details are Bogor Regency as many as 100 locations, Tangerang Regency (70 locations), and Lebak Regency (30 locations).
KKN Internasional will be held in six countries, namely Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Turkey, and Egypt. Meanwhile, KKN Kolaboratif will be held in collaboration with seven PTKIN, namely UIN Jakarta, UIN Mataram, UIN Yogyakarta, UIN Bandung, UIN Sumatra Utara, UIN Surabaya, and IAIN Kendari.
Meanwhile, the KKN Kebangsaan organized by the Indoenesian Ministry of Education and Culture and the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs will take place in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan and attended by 128 campuses in Indonesia.
“For KKN in Campus, participants are placed in several work units at UIN Jakarta. They will serve according to their respective expertise,” he said.
Kamarusdiana added that the KKN participants came from 10 faculties. Two faculties, namely the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine, did not participate because they already had their own community service programs.
The Head of Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) UIN Jakarta Jajang Jahroni in his remarks said that KKN activities in principle are a means to train oneself to live in a community. Philosophically, students who all come from the community must return to the community.
Furthermore, he continued, KKN is an adventure or a fun trip. The most important lesson in KKN is how students can get out of their comfort zone. “So, this is where students will have more stories about how to live outside their comfort zone,” said Jajang.
On the same occasion, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis in her remarks said that the implementation of student KKN is in semester 6. That means students must graduate quickly.
Amany further said that studying at UIN Jakarta should not be too long. Six semesters are enough time to gain knowledge.
“It's a time management problem. I don't want students to linger at UIN Jakarta, because it will reduce the value of the Rector's report card, which is called the Main Performance Index (IKU),” she said.
Therefore, the Rectorr hopes that all UIN Jakarta students can complete their studies on time. After graduating as a bachelor, students can continue their education to the S2 and S3 levels.
The KKN orientation event was attended by the Vice Rector for Cooperation and Institutional Development Lily Surayya Eka Putri, Head of Research and Development of the Bappedalitbang Bogor Regency Riny Kusumawati, Head of Bapelitbangda Lebak Regency Virgojayanti, and Bappeda Tangerang Secretary Efi Indarti. (ns/usa)