3 UIN Jakarta Senior Rover Scouts Awarded with Garuda Scout Badge
Jakarta, UIN News Online - Three Scouts of UIN Jakarta awarded with Garuda Scout badge at Senior Rover level from the South Jakarta Branch Scout Movement. This award is given as a form of appreciation from the Scout Movement and a sign of their devotion to the community.
The award was symbolically pinned by South Jakarta Mayor Sayid Ali Zainal Abidin in his office on Thursday (16/1/2025). Not only that, the same appreciation was also given to hundreds of scouts throughout South Jakarta at the Watcher, Rover, and Enforcer levels.
Garuda Scout awards in South Jakarta Kwartir is carried out every year. The goal is to motivate the cadets to accomplish more challenge and gain experience.
The three UIN Jakarta Scouts who received this award are: Tahta Uliani (Tarjamah Study Program from Faculty of Adab and Humanities), Desi Lestasi (Tasawuf Study Program student from Faculty of Ushuludin), and Muhammad Daffa Alhakim (Bachelor of Informatics Engineering Study Program from Faculty of Science and Technology).
These scouts are listed as active members in the front cluster. Apart from being the administrators of the Racana Council, they also perform a lot of community service, such as: fostering communities; and educating residents in the fields of education, religion and social affairs.
They admit that they are proud of their achievements. Through a long process, only they are able to obtain this highest badge.
“The process begins from being an ordinary student in the campus front group. I began to self-coaching myself, and went coaching in the unit level until the community level. Anyway, I am happy and proud to be able to achieve the achievement of being a Garuda Scout,” said Tahta Uliani, who now serves as Chairperson of the Racana Council for the 2025 service period.
The same thing was also expressed by Desi Lestari after receiving the award. She explained that achieving Garuda Scout achievements has been her dream since she was active in the UIN Jakarta's front cluster. Therefore, she keeps striving to be more active in various scout activities whether it is in campus or not.
Desi, who serves as a Traditional Leader in the Racana Council, is also trying to preserve this achievement by maintaining her role model as a scout.
“With great power comes great responsibility. As a Garuda Scout, you have to be a role model in society and in the Scout Movement," she said.
The Garuda Scout badge is the highest award for cadets in each Scout class. This award can only be obtained after a scout completes the General Proficiency Mark (TKU), Special Proficiency Mark (TKK), and is active in various activities in the front cluster as well as other achievements. (ns)